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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 25, 2024

Hermetic Flame pevents sword riposte from critically striking

It's as the title says. When I parry with my sword while the Hermetic Flame buff is active, the resulting riposte isn't a critical hit, instead just dealing normal damage. I haven't tried it with Shockwave, but I'd imagine it behaves the same. In the attached image, I parried a wolf. The resulting riposte struck the parried one in the head, causing the large golden critical hit number. The riposte also hit another wolf that was just behind it, causing the much smaller number. Buffed parried do not critically hit unless they happen to directly strike a creature's weak spot.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Combat, Tools/Gear
Steps to Reproduce Use the hermetic flame spell and perform a parry