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Hermetic Flame Overrides Damage Types

When casting Hermetic Flame to enchant your current weapon/tool, existing damage types dealt by that weapon/tool are overridden entirely by fire damage. For example, an axe (typically slashing damage) will not deal slashing + fire damage, but only the fire damage (i.e., it no longer deals slashing damage) until the number of Hermetic Flame charges run out.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Combat, Tools/Gear
Realms Other
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Find an enemy with a slashing/bludgeon/piercing weakness. Strike it with that weapon to confirm the damage type weakness. Cast Hermetic Flame and apply it to the weapon. Strike again, and notice there is no longer a damage-type weakness indicator and the damage is no longer equivalent.
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