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Climbing picks bug and you can't do anything.

Upon climbing with the climbing picks sometimes if you reach the top of the cliff with 0 stamina you bug out, You are not able to do anything. I tried using my bow to fix it after drinking a stamina potion and i was stuck floating 20ft off the ground unable to do anything. i tried teleporting back to my home and was still bugged 3 ft off the ground there only fix is restarting your game.

Mode Online
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Movement
Steps to Reproduce Get to the top of the cliff as you run out of stamina.
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    • Guest
      Nov 28, 2024

      For me also the same. Used climbing picks, stamina showing 0. Taking an injury salve did not resolve the issue. Can do no movement other than switch weapons. Online mode.

    • Guest
      Nov 27, 2024

      Encountered this issue as well.
      Used picks to climb a wall, reached the top just in time and then lost ability to move.
      I also couldn't use the climbing picks alt fire, to attempt to climb further but other tools worked.

      Appears as if my move speed is just hard locked at 0.