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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 24, 2024

Follower does not obey simple commands

  1. Follower does not follow when commanded. (Was trying to move his heavy inventory to storage). 2) Follower does not "work here" (mining ore).

Mode Offline
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Resources, Building, Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Difficulty
Realms Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce 1. Tell follower to follow so you can remove heavy items from his inventory and place in my chest. He ignores the command. 2. Equip follower with mining pick and ask him to work here. (Next to Ore). He ignores the requests and does not mine, although he picks up ore.
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  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2024

    Follower will constantly walk away from me when I get close enough to access their inventory, During combat follower will angage the enemy in front of you, disengage and walk directly towards you, completely blocking fire. Followers seem to have a bigger hitbox than their model, blocking shots that should hit the enemy. Follower will run to catch up to you, then slowly walk towards a resource to pick up. I've litrerally turned off all permissions for my follower, use them as a secondary storage with no weight limit, and they still make the game less fun by always being in the way. Dont even get me started about putting higher level resources like specialty wood and carved wood into benches as fuel.

  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2024

    I would add that often while in my base, the follower is in my face and in the way. Yet, when I ask him to follow me in (while right outside), he won't even come in the base, although he is standing next to an open door!