Puck never apears in the Hallowed Moor for this quest. He shows up for commentary on Poe's quest, but you ca't interact with him about THIS quest when he pops up for another one. The battlefields don't trigger him. I have reset the realm several times, restarted the game and reset the realm, cleared all the battlefields multiple times in hope he will trigger after realm reset at some point. Cannot progress the Battlefield Trip quest, completely broken. I've read all 3 books. Puck doe snot show up and no way to re-trigger the books themselves, which I assume is the trigger that is supposed to bring him.
Mode | Online |
Impact | I cannot play or progress |
Category Tags | Quests, NPCs |
Realms | Hollowed Moor |
We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.
Thank you!
I have this same issue. I've seen a few people say they're also stuck on reddit.