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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2024

3rd Person Expressions and Animations

I just got the game and haven't gotten too far yet, but I think that third person mode could have better animations and just more of them in general.

For example, animations reflecting statuses like injury (limping) disease (coughing) wetness (shivering or shaking off boots) hunger (touching stomach) tiredness (yawning or stretching), plus facial expressions to go with these.

The characters could definitely do with more 'dynamic' expressions in general like smiling, frowning and looking surprised to make them feel more alive.

I would love for my character to sit in a chair and lay down to sleep in a bedroll, too and be able to interact with the more decorative objects with animations in general. On a somewhat related note, regarding dynamic animation, I would love for doors to open and close gradually instead of just having and 'opened' and 'closed' state.

Category Tags Visual/Art, Movement
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 17, 2024

    I would be very happy if my character lost the hunchback and stood up like a normal human.