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Ammunition needs its own radial hub, it is being transferred to storage/follower with All 20 times a play session and we have to manually fish it out over and over

Currently I'm transferring to my companion or a storage box 20+ times per session.

All will dump my ammo in there and we have to manually fish it out - even when it doesn't happen, I am scanning both sides to make sure I am not about to set off without ammunition.

Consumeables a similar radial and hide away on their own Tab with its own inventory slots that are excluded from the All transfer button.

Ammunition already has a radial menu, why not give it inventory slots to hide the Ammo from the All button to make it the same?

Really weird we have this for Consumeables and not Ammunition, Ammo is the greater problem by a mile.

The game is fantastic - this is a real sore thumb dragging the player experience down.
Have to wonder if you are playing your own game with this, let me know if screenshots will help. Do you guys just not play with guns when you are testing?

Category Tags Inventory
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2024

      @Devs - This issue can also be solved by making the currently loaded ammo equipped, equipped items dont auto-transfer.

    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2024

      Absolutely 100%

      I'd even say it maybe shouldn't take up inventory space similar to how essences and cards work, so we can actually always carry the ammo with us and experiment with different ammo types, but dunno if that'd be considered OP - I think not since it doesn't make you more powerful than you'd be if you just sacrificed inventory slots for that (which you do for boss fights), it just makes the game more fun.

    • Guest
      Sep 19, 2024

      Honestly, I don't agree.

      If you're carelessly clicking and submitting your ammo 20 times into the same chest, that's on you.

      Just make a separate ammunition chest and you'll legitimately never do that again.

      There doesn't need to be separate inventory slots for everything, just exercise a bit of thought and care in what you're doing

    • Guest
      Sep 17, 2024
      Reddit thread of people coming up with the same idea independently