I'm only at tier 2+, and already the crafting UIs are getting cluttered. Some crafting benches will always need access to the lower tier recipes, mainly those that are used as intermediate materials. But the benches that produce final products do not need to always show all the lower options, cluttering up the UI and making it harder to pick out the one you want to make. This is especially true for items, like clothing, that do not have a very specific naming scheme so that we can know the tier without clicking on the item and looking.
I have a few different ideas on how this could be addressed. Some of these are compatible and could be utilized together.
1. Any bench (for simplicity and consistency) should allow us to filter by recipe tier. Just something so we can select or deselect a given tier and show or hide recipes of that tier accordingly. It would be saved per bench, so we can have them all showing at the food station, but hide all the clothing that's below our current highest tier in the sewing station. (it's less important in the workbench, as the items are consistently named based on their tier and so the filtering can be done via the search. But the sewing bench is a key example of chaotic naming that does not give a clear idea of which tier an item belongs to)
2. Add the ability to manually "hide" any given recipe. It would go to a single section labeled "hidden" at the bottom, and so can be accessed if desired, but would otherwise be out of the way. Adding a flipside to this, allow us to "favorite" recipes and have them appear in a "favorites" section at the top.
3. Allow us to choose how recipes are grouped. Let us select between default and tier. So in the workbench, instead of it having the categories "tools:axepicks" and "tools:axes", it would have the category "Tier 1" "Tier 2" "Tier 2+" and so on. (ideally with the highest available tier at the top and counting down, since people would usually want to craft the best item available)
4. Have the categories start collapsed, or allow us to hit a single button to collapse all categories (this applies to building and crafting menus in our guidebook as well). All too often, the first thing I do when I enter one of these menus is manually click on ALL of the open categories so I don't have to scroll (as much or at all) to get to what I'm looking for.
Category Tags | Crafting |
Mode | Both Online & Offline |
Sentiment | Feature Request |
At the very least, recipes should be organize by tier in the crafting menu, not by alphabet
Once I unlock Prodigious Health Potion [t4], why would I ever consider crafting a Slight Health Potion [T1]? However something like Straps are also [T1] and are needed throughout so any solution will require some thought. I completely agree with you about the sewing bench - not being able to see (or filter by) the tier in the list is a annoying.
It would be easier if we could hide unwanted recipes in the recipe release tree.
In the tree, except when you tap on a recipe to release it, you just move it around to check the data and browse it, so it would be simple enough to add a hide mark when you tap on the recipe again after releasing it. If you tap again, it should just show up again.