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Add tooltips when hovering over items in crafting tables

I am a new player and I am struggling with the crafting tables, especially things like the enchanters focus. I know you can click on it to see what it does, but it's a lot of clicks and mouse movement to go back to the menu each time I come to look at them (I have ADHD and I can't remember what they do so I have to repeatedly do this action) and there's just so many items! It adds to the noob fluster I'm experiencing.

It would be less overwhelming and frustrating for me to have a tooltip on the side when hovering over an item in the menu, instead of clicking on it then having to mouse my mouse to the back button each time.

At the very least, pressing escape should take me back one step instead of taking me out the entire crafting menu. It would aid in the quality of life when crafting.

Category Tags UI/UX, Crafting
Mode Both Online & Offline
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    • Guest
      Oct 24, 2024

      This would be a great addition, especially if on-hover tooltips are toggle-able in settings.