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Created on Oct 13, 2024

Fibres Re-Revisited - Community Theorycraft Project

Fibres Re-Revisited

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together, and discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Things we'd like to see, we'd like to change, and ways to go about doing so.

This particular post is in regards to Fibres. It takes a look at the existing fibres, some of the old fibres that used to exist, and provides some thoughts of new ones. It includes a handful of new Points of Interest resource fibres, and even a potential new questline.

An important note for the whole of the values presented here is that we’ve tried to keep the values slightly lower than other materials. This is done intentionally, as it becomes easier to stack fibres in higher quantities for single materials than for any other material currently used in crafting. The goal is that fibres should be a competitive choice, but not the dominant overwhelming choice, when choices are given between different materials.

We’ve had values be intentionally lower, and in different combinations, with rarer fibres having different combinations of attributes. In cases where there are individually higher damage values, we’ve aimed to keep the other attributes on the material more limited, either in quantity or quality, as a means of balance.

Our hope is that these kinds of changes bring the use of actual Fibres up to the point that Animal Fibre can be removed from being thread, allowing Fibres to finally shine as both a valued and competitive material, which we feel currently is not the case.

As always, we would like to thank you for your time and continued development of this wonderful game.

Existing Fibre Changes

Cinder Strands

Current Attributes = Stamina Max + Stamina Regen

T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes Become:

+0.5 / +1 / +1.5 / +2 Stamina Regeneration (/s)
+0% / +2% / +4% / +6% Ranged Damage

Holt Bloom

Current Attributes = HP Max + HP Regen

T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes Become:

+10 / +20 / +30 / +40 Maximum Health
+0% / +2% / +4% / +6% Melee Damage

Titania's Crown

Current Attributes = HP Regen + Stamina Regen

T1 / T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes Become:

+5 / +10 / +15 / +20 Maximum Stamina
+0% / +2% / +4% / +6% Magick Power

Grendel Brute

Current Attributes = Magick + Environ Resist

T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes Become:

+6% / +8% / +10% Melee Damage
+2.5% / +5% / +7.5% Environmental Resistance

Grendel Brute - Fabled

Current Attributes = Magick + Environ Resist + Weight Limit

T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes Become:

+2% / +4% / +6% Melee Damage
+2% / +4% / +6% Magick Power
+2.5% / +5% / +7.5% Environmental Resistance

Note: This change makes it so that the random Fabled drops from Grendel Brutes become ideal for hybrid melee/magick, rather than trying to out-compete its non-fabled self. Having this scale separately means that it serves two purposes usefully, rather than just one, and the total attribute gains are still “slightly” improved over the non-fabled (6+6 = 12 vs 10), but not overwhelmingly so.

Additionally, we’d like to ask that the full Grendel Brute be in the name, similar as to how Grendel Druid is used. This allows it to be easier to differentiate between the two, and will help should there be any future Grendel additions.

Grendel Druid

Current Attributes = Magick + Max Stamina

T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes Become:

+6% / +8% / +10% Magick Power
+2.5% / +5% / +7.5% Environmental Resistance

Britomart’s Locks

Current Attributes = Magick + Max Stamina

Attributes Become:

+8% Magick Power
+20 Maximum Health
+10% Injury Resistance

Note: Considering just how large an amount of fibre can be gained from a single instance of this POI (with the right combinations of things, a Player can currently acquire almost 400 fibre per POI), we would also request that this be significantly reduced, to bring this more into line with other Fae resources.

Ideally this should even be 1 fibre per node on the POI, and a reduction of the total nodes to about 10, to make sure it’s equal to other Fae Resource quantities, rather than just obscenely overwhelming in quantity as it currently is.

Luminous Spores

Current Attributes = None

Attributes Become:

+8% Melee Damage
+10 Maximum Stamina
+10% Maleficium Resistance

New Fibres

Grendel Druid - Fabled

Random Drop from Grendel Druids

T2 / T3 / T4 Attributes:

+2% / +4% / +6% Magick Power
+2% / +4% / +6% Ranged Damage
+2.5% / +5% / +7.5% Environmental Resistance

Note: We felt that since the Grendel Brute has been given a fabled material (and our take is to make that material a hybrid melee/magick), that adding a similar fabled material for the Druid would be in theme, with it working in parallel as a magick/ranged thread.


Rarity: Tier 2
Gear Score Required: 25 Sickle
Biome: Desert
Major Card: Antiquarian, Astrolabe, Provisioner
Location: Caves, sunken areas near water
Growable: Yes


+30 Maximum Health
+20 Health Regeneration (/m)


Rarity: Tier 3
Gear Score Required: 50 Sickle
Biome: Desert
Major Card: Herbarium, Hunt
Location: Nearby Water
Growable: No


+8% Magick Power
+20 Health Regeneration (/m)


Rarity: Tier 1
Biome: Forests
Major Card: All (excl. Vault)
Location: Underwater
Growable: No


+15 Maximum Stamina
+1.5 Stamina Regeneration (/s)


Rarity: Tier 2
Gear Score Required: 25 Sickle
Biome: Forest
Major Card: Antiquarian, Astrolabe, Provisioner
Location: Along Riverbanks & Lake Edges
Growable: Yes, Forest Only


+15 Maximum Stamina
+20 Weight Limit
+5% Injury Resistance


Rarity: Tier 3
Gear Score Required: 50 Sickle
Biome: Forest
Major Cards: Herbarium, Hunt
Location: Large Field POI (wild growth)
Location: Straggler poi’s, similar to Wheat, Tomatoes, etc.
Growable: No


+6% Ranged Damage
+15 Maximum Stamina


Rarity: Tier 2
Gear Score Required: 25 Sickle
Biome: Swamp
Major Card: Antiquarian, Astrolabe, Provisioner
Location: Large POI, machinery around field, overgrown and unkempt, easy harvest.
POI Growable: Yes, Swamp Only


+6% Magick Power
+1 Stamina Regeneration (/s)


Rarity: Tier 3
Gear Score Required: 50 Sickle
Biome: Swamp
Major Card: Herbarium, Hunt
Location: Medium POI – Drowned Field
Growable: No


+8% Critical Damage
+20 Maximum Health


Rarity: Tier 4
Gear Score Required: 75 Sickle
Biome: All
Major Card: Gloom
Location: Medium POI - strands of shadowy filament hanging from a large petrified weeping willow tree (image #1)
Growable: No
Colour as Clothing: Lustrous black


+6% Ranged Damage
+4% Critical Damage

New Tier 5 Resources

Widow’s Silk

Rarity: Rare
Gear Score Required: 100 Sickle
Biome: Swamp
Location: Large Point of Interest - Widower Spider Web Nest

Break cocoons to retrieve the silk (8ish cocoons for 1x fibre each). Lots of tiny spiders running around. Small chance of summoning a Widower Spider when breaking cocoons.

Colour as Clothing: Deep Shiny Emerald Green


+40% Stealth Rating
+10% Ranged Damage
+10% Poison Resistance

Weaver’s Silk

Rarity: Rare
Gear Score Required: 100 Sickle
Biome: Forest
Location: Large Point of Interest - Death Weaver Spider Web Nest

Break cocoons to retrieve the silk (8ish cocoons for 1x fibre each). Lots of tiny spiders running around. Small chance of summoning a pod of Death Weaver Spiders when breaking cocoons.

Colour As Clothing: Deep Shiny Purple


+40% Stealth
+10% Melee Damage
+10% Poison Resistance

Note: For arachnophobia mode, we would suggest that it changes the appearance of these two POI’s from the appropriate spiders to glowing worms and butterfly cocoons. Hopefully a little less problematic for those suffering from this.

Gossamer Strands

Rarity: Very Rare
Biome: All
Major Card: Ascended Realms
Location: POI Site - Description Below
Counts As: Plant Fibre
Colour As Clothing: Golden metallic look.

POI Description:

A very wide and large oak tree (image #2), with a hollowed-out region at the base, where sits an altar carved from its wood. Intricate carvings upon the altar itself. Interacting with the altar gives the Player a prompt to submit an offering. Submitting the incorrect offering yields a small handful of seeds.

The offering required is an Eoten Heart, with the Elder Eoten Heart yielding more fibres than a Holt Eoten one (5/10 fibres perhaps, possibly even allow tier of Heart to affect this?). The altar can only accept a single offering, once one has been made, regardless of if it’s correct or not, the altar goes dormant.

Once the correct offering is made, golden vines droop down from above, and a small pod of Eoten Saplings bursts up from the ground, and runs out of the tree into the world. Looking at the vines gives the Sickle icon (gear score 100) when looked at.


+6% Melee Damage
+6% Ranged Damage
+1% Movement Speed
+20 Durability

Note: Thematically, this gives an interesting way for players to non-violently contribute to the growth of the realm. Giving the Eoten Heart is like giving a battery that jumpstarts the process of slowly accumulating energy to sprout a new growth of baby Eotens. It’s possible that this is specifically used to make the Eoten Saplings, but it’s also just as possible that the sprouting of saplings is just a by-product of a separate mysterious process, and not the goal. More depth could be given to this, and we've suggested a possible Quest hook below in relation to uncovering this process and guide players on the 'How To' element.

Potential Quest

Evolution of the Eotens

Main Quest NPC: Charles Darwin

Players are directed toward recent evidence of a notable explorer and naturalist named Charles Darwin being sighted within the Realms. Thought lost decades ago, Charles travelled into the realms to study the evolution of the different Fae creatures, settling a great deal of interest on the Eotens, the animate and seemingly sentient trees.

Surviving hidden away in a realm after his exploration was beset with woe, Charlies and the remainder set up shelter atop one of the realms floating remnants, only descending to scavenge provisions and attempt to survive, making continual notes on the different creatures, focusing heavily on the Eoten Saplings, and noticing reference of a particular Point of Interest (See Gossamer Strands above).

Upon being discovered, Charles is overjoyed to be rescued, and then intensely saddened at the news of the Pale. His hopes of returning home now lost, all that is left is his work. He offers a theory, something that could potentially yield great reward, in return for supplies, and some Realm Cards to allow him to escape his stranding and rejoin the remnants of Humanity. Upon locating the Gossamer Strands POI, Charles assists the player in discerning the purpose for the Altar, and the player can assist by providing insight into the acquisition of the Eoten Heart, which causes sudden crystallization of his theory that the Eotens can be reasoned with.

Potential Quest Rewards:

  • Book Recipes (Paper + Ink + Coating) = Refined Item ??

  • A copy of Darwin’s Theories in written form (Explorer Augment)

  • Book Placeable (Single / Stack / Shelf)

  • Pet Galapagos Tortoise

Reference Image Note: We've included two reference images in regards to two new fibres we've supplied. These images are solely to demonstrate our inspiration, and are not for reuse. All rights to these images remain with their respective owners and sources.


Halocarpus, Iceheart, Kahz, Koriania, Phylon, Shrike

Category Tags UI/UX, Crafting, Resources, Visual/Art, Quests, POIs, Farming, Creatures/Enemies, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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