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Created on Sep 21, 2024

Refined Items Expanded - Community Theorycraft Project - RR Repost

Refined Items Expanded

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together to discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Things we would like to see, we would like to change, and ways to go about doing so.

This particular post is in regards to fleshing out the variety of Refined Items, adding options for certain parts (such as buttons) beyond what is available currently. It adds new refined items to crafting stations that have a severe lack of refined items (compared to other stations), adding versatility and variety, including ways to combine different materials together.

It also provides a more detailed mechanical process towards Etched Ingots, focusing upon the flavour text such ingots already have. To do so, we’ve supplied a handful of new Resource POI’s focused upon the materials needed, to add a bit of extra depth.

As always, we would like to thank you for your time and continued development of this wonderful game.

Refined Items

We have made several changes to the recipes of several existing refined items, including moving some to different workstations we feel would be more suitable. Part of what we're aiming to achieve with this submission is to expand the interplay between the different resource categories, to combine them flavourfully and logically in ways that can be accessed by different item recipes.

Many of these changes would open the door for significant variety materials wise with regards to clothing recipes especially.

With any changes listed here, to really make use of these would require going through the existing item recipes and making changes to those, to include these new items.

We know this would be a decent undertaking, especially with the amount of effort done recently for the Realms Rebuilt update, but it is one we feel would be extremely valuable for the games crafting aspect to go through, especially when looking toward the future and the growth of these categories and available materials within them.

The crafting within Nightingale is one of the more unique elements for games within this genre, where the items themselves are heavily altered simply by the materials being used in the crafting, rather than the norm of just crafting a specific item with fixed statistics.

We want to expand upon this, to have this element flourish and grow healthily, and thrive with the new additions to the gameplay the recent update has brought!

Part of this is to continue expanding the interplay between the materials, to allow Players to find interactions suited to their play style and individual goals, and really customize the statistics of their finished items.

Note: This submission pre-dates the v0.5 Realms Rebuilt, however we have made slight changes to particular values and references to align it to the new gameplay environment.

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List of Changes

Alchemical Boiler

  • 1x Alchemical Acid (Material) – 1x Solvent + 1x Glass

Note: See the Materials section toward the end of this post for what materials we submit be classified as Solvents.

Masonry Bench

  • 1x Buttons (Gem) – 2x Raw Gem

  • 1x Ornament (Coral) – 2x Polished Coral

  • 1x Polished Coral – 1x Coral + 1x Oil

  • 1x Polished Gem – 1x Cut Gem + 1x Oil

  • 1x Gunpowder (Material) – 1x Sulphur Powder + 1x Coal Powder

  • 1x Powder (Material) – 2x Raw Ore /or/ 2x Raw Mineral (Coal, Sulphur etc) /or/ 2x Stone Block /or/ 2x Raw Gem /or/ 2x Flower

  • 1x Focal Shard - 1x Cut Gem + 1x Powder (Metal)

Note: We propose that Focal Shards, Polished Gems, Cut Gems be interchangeable for finished item recipes, similar as to how Durable Cloth, Lining, and Cloth can be interchanged with clothing recipes. Such a change opens the door for greater customization significantly for the category of gems.

Mortar Station

  • 6x Alchemical Ink (Material) – 1x Pigment + 1x Oil + 1x Glass

  • 6x Vibrant Ink – 6x Alchemical Ink + 1x Powder (Precious Metal)

  • 6x Lustrous Ink – 6x Vibrant Ink + 1x Powder (Raw Gem)

  • 3x Dye (Material) – 2x Pigment + 1x Oil + 1x Glass

  • 2x Paint (Material) – 2x Pigment + 2x Oil + 1x Reservoir

  • 1x Pigment (Material) – 2x Powder (Material)

Note: This change is important for future system implementation of customization of clothing, opening up the ability to create dyes/etc, with the different reasonings we shall list below:

  1. It allows the creation of all powders from all varieties of materials one could logically make powder from, also including the fact you can find most of these powders at POI’s.

  2. It shifts the materials required to create the products to closer match historical creation of these elements, using oils as a binding solution, and adding the carrying containers to the craft.

Textile Station

  • 1x Tassels – 1x Yarn + 1x Thread

  • 1x Yarn – 2x Fur

  • 1x Embroidered Cloth – 1x Cloth + 2x Filigree /or/ 2x Refined Fibre /or/ 2x Yarn

  • 1x Sequined Cloth - 1x Cloth + 2x Cut Gem

Tanning Station

  • 1x Belt – 1x Straps + 1x Buckles

  • 1x Blade (Bone) – 1x Carved Bone

  • 1x Buttons (Bone) – 2x Bone

  • 1x Handle (Bone) – 1x Carved Bone + 1x Fasteners

  • 1x Horn – 2x Bone

  • 1x Fur – 2x Pelt

  • 1x Lined Leather – 1x Leather + 1x Lining

  • 1x Lined Fur – 1x Fur +1x Lining

  • 1x Carved Bone – 2x Bone

  • 1x Supple Leather – 1x Leather + 1x Oil

Note: Several added refined items here aim to make use of existing materials in new ways. Adding additional options for combining leathers, using Pelts to make furs, and the carving of Bone into various items. We aimed to keep all "creature" refined items in general limited to the Tanning Station, just for the sake of simplicity. Whilst we could see many of the Bone items being placed in other stations (like the saw table), it would likely be easier for Players to find if they're all generally kept to a single Bench.

Note: v0.5 Realms Rebuilt removed the variant type of Hide that used to drop, called Pelts. For this particular process, we would actually ask that the material type be reinstated. However, rather than how it used to be (only existing for basic Predator / Prey pelts), we could ask that the drops from particular Fabled creatures, specifically the ones with actual furs and pelts, drop Fabled Pelts instead of Fabled Hide.

The diversity in the dropped materials from creatures would be -very- welcome, from such a change, we feel, provided that uses for this material exists.

Pelts may still be classified as Textiles, and can still be useful in crafting processes as one would expect.

Saw Table

  • 1x Buttons (Wood) – 2x Lumber

  • 1x Polished Lumber – 1x Lumber + 1x Oil

Note: Polished Lumber fills a similar category as Gilded Lumber, used in the same manner. However, you cannot make Gilded Lumber using Polished Lumber, and vice versa.


  • 1x Artisanal Hammerhead – 1x Hammerhead + 1x Precious Metal Ingot

  • 1x Chains – 2x Ingot

  • 1x Etched Ingot – 1x Ingot + 1x Alchemical Acid

  • 1x Martial Blade – 1x Blade + 1x Alloy Ingot

  • 1x Scope – 1x Barrel + 1x Lens

  • 1x Magick Lens – 1x Lens + 1x Weak Seal (any type)

  • 1x Marksman’s Scope – 1x Marksman’s Barrel + 1x Lens

  • 1x Mystic’s Scope – 1x Precious Metal Barrel + 1x Magick Lens

Note 1: We decided to implement the Alchemical Acid etching process, designed around the flavour text provided on Etched Ingots, being that etching can increase magick whilst decreasing durability. To accomplish this, we decided to add solvents with negative durability attributes, with rarer solvents having potentially more beneficial / varied attributes to counter-balance it. We didn’t want to make them -too- strong, because ultimately the process means 1x Metal + 1x Glass +1x Solvent material’s worth of stats. So the detriment from Solvent durability we feel will be quite easy to balance, but the process should only become available quite late.

Note 2: We feel that beginning the inclusion of Scopes, and a variety of scopes, would allow for potential inclusion for rifles and ranged weapons. With different types, it becomes available for up tier scaling as well.

New & Old Materials:

Here we shall list the changes to old materials, along with some new materials to provide variety in the crafting purposes, focused around the category of Solvents:

Aqua Regia

New Material: 100 GS Resource POI
Material Counts As: Mineral, Solvent
Biome: Forests
Appears As:

Above-ground Geysers with small bubbling pools of orange liquid. Requires Wood Axe GS 100 to break geyser open, dropping vials of Aqua Regia on the ground. When the geysers are broken, a brief spray of orange liquid erupts from it.


+10% Magick Power
-10 Durability

Hag’s Bile

New Material: 50 GS Resource POI
Material Counts As: Mineral, Solvent
Biomes: Swamp
Appears As:

A sickly green and red bulbous pillar with what seems like boils scattered over it. Requires Wood Axe GS 50 to break boils open, dropping vials of Hag’s Bile on the ground. When a boil pops, a brief flare of fire and smoke erupts from it.


+6% Magick Power
-5 Durability


Material Counts As: Mineral, Solvent

Attributes Become:

-5 Durability


Apothete, Double Space Su, Kahz, Katari, Phylon, Shrike

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, POIs, Farming, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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