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Colors in item customization swap to the wrong color

When using the glamour station to customize items I noticed some of the "lower tier" colors will switch to the highest tier of that pattern after hitting apply. For example, all other tiers of Death weaver spider will appear as T3 Death weaver spi...
about 20 hours ago in Bugs 2 Open

Drayman's Ensemble materials are assigned wrong

Crafting the Drayman's Ensemble applies the felt material to the entire outfit. The felt material should be applied to the pants and suspenders, while the cloth material gets applied to the shirt.
about 20 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Can't change gear colors with the new update

I have tried and tried and tried to change numerous pieces of gear colors and it refuses to work for me. I can literally set and watch my brother change the colors of gear right in front of me because he's in the same game and it works just fine f...
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fires not lighting

After update Unreal 5.4 (3 Feb 25) with the new cooking system, campfire fires do not light up, nor is there an option to light or extinguish. Cooking still works, and I can add fuel, but there is no fire or burning up fuel.
18 days ago in Bugs 3 Open

Visual bug, elemental resistances not adding up correctly on crafted clothes

I used Crystal Ball and Macabre Rack augments to increase All Resistances for my clothes, while crafting an item it shows 10% on all elemental resistances, crafted item shows only 7.5%, but equipped item gives me 10%.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Excellent Enchanter's Focus countdown not showing

Excellent Enchanter's Focus counter not showing up and one just has to wait to know if done or just note of the seconds countdown
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Refining oddness when realm unloads

There is some massive oddness with refining that was still going on when the realm unloads. If the stack of stuff finished while the realm was still loaded then you'll end up with a negative timer when hovering over the workstation and the negativ...
16 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Movement Speed perk doesn't apply when consumed

I have made a few Hearty Stews from the Fabled Fishgoat and they show that it should apply 4.6% movement speed perk for each stew. But when I consume them it shows 0% increase to my stats.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Forge Card stopped working entirely after update

For a while the forge card has been buggy, but after the recent update it has stopped applying its effects to any material regardless of source. I've tried making items with multiple ingot types that worked prior to the update and now do not.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Partners Interactions showing on my screen

I am playing multiplayer with one other personand every interaction he has, whether it's talking to someone or gathering, it shows up on my screen and none of my interactions do. This is the first time we;ve had this problem and we're going to rel...
12 days ago in Bugs 0 Open