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Hybrid Stone Powder not recognized as separate resource

Once a hybrid stone (of two of the same stone) is turned into stone powder, it is not recognized as separate from a stone powder of the same stone. For example, 2x Marble -> Hybrid Stone -> Stone Powder (Marble) The hybrid stone powder will ...
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Open

Estate cairn, selecting resources

When selecting resources for residents to gather, if there are multiple workstations of the same type, the selection can sometimes/often clear itself (after selecting it briefly selects the resource and then goes back to "Select Resource"). It can...
about 14 hours ago in Bugs 1 Open

Bunker Portal not activing - Herbarium Forest

Just finished mobs in bunker to activate portal in bunker of Herbarium Forest. Pillar not even showing any interactions to activate it.
3 days ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Trees regrown under certain structures can become Invincible

Description: It has been observed that stumpless trees can be regrown by Carnute in spots where player had built plant boxes and plant pots - Trees regrown can become Invincible State: Actively being worked on Workarounds: - Do not build Planters ...
6 months ago in Bugs 11 Fix Live


Dumplings are listed in the Tier 3 food section, but when you go to craft them they are actually labeled at Tier 2 food. I'm using Tier 3 and Tier 4 ingredients and getting Tier 2 food. I've attached screenshots
4 days ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

most elements of the glamour menu are incorrectly labeled

The different labeled elements of the glamour menu are, to be honest, a complete trainwreck. Especially for tools. You'll have blades labelled as hilts and vice versa, wood colors applying to what should be cloth, cloth applying to wood, it's a co...
12 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Oberon's bounty doesn't work on damaged nodes

If you hit a rock while it's not active and then activate Oberon's bounty then it will not one shot the remainder but require a lot of hits as if the buff wasn't active
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Fix Live

Forge card not applying bonus consistently

With a Forge minor card active, making Buttons and Buckles out of Pursuit ore gave the parts +2% greater stats (ranged and crit). However at the same time, with the Forge card active, making Fasteners out of Titan's Fingernail did NOT apply any bo...
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

Movement Speed perk doesn't apply when consumed

I have made a few Hearty Stews from the Fabled Fishgoat and they show that it should apply 4.6% movement speed perk for each stew. But when I consume them it shows 0% increase to my stats.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Trees regrown in abeyance realm through the buildings and invincible.

Trees regrown in abeyance realm through the buildings and invincible. Regrows spell is not affecting them. Now half of my base is impassible.
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Fix Live