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Glowing knife gem

After casting Salvation with a Mystic Hunting Knife the gem in the knife glows bright white for the duration of the Salvation effect, making it hard to see in first person.

Gem used in this knife: Automaton Queen Focal Shard with Carnute Ichor and Star Ruby.

The glow is more subdued in 3P, but still very clearly there.

The glow does not illuminate the surroundings, but while in 1P the light takes up a good portion of the screen.

After having cast Assassin's Sight and Ring of Power with the same knife it only ever glowed with Salvation. I had swapped multiple times between the knife and other weapons and it consistently had the same effect. Closing the game and re-opening it ~12 hours later also returned the same result.

Replacing Assassin's Sight with Immolation and casting Immolation did not produce the effect, but casting Salvation no longer caused the knife's light to be so overpowering. It lost the glow after the Salvation effect wore off.

Casting Salvation, Assassin's Sight and Ring of Power rapidly many times (Salvation every other cast) resulted in the knife glowing permanently. The strength of the light did not increase.

Swapping out Assassin's Sight for Illumination removed the glow from the knife. Rapidly casting between the 3 enchantments did not have the same result as when Assassin's Sight was applied.

Swapping Illumination for Recovery did not produce the same result, even though Recovery did make the gem glow; only Salvation and Recovery so far have made it glow.

Swapping to another tool to cast another enchantment, and then back to the knife removed the glow while the Salvation effect was still active. Casting Salvation again before its effect had ended did not make the gem glow, but casting after it wore off made it glow again.

Casting Salvation, then Life Drain ended the glow early, but otherwise did not stop re-castings of Salvation from making it glow.

Unrelated materials testing

Different Gems Used: Quartz, Ruby, Losrewn, Obsidian, Diamond

I tried knives with different cut gems (instead of focal shards) but none of them glowed except Automaton Queen cut gem.

I tried using different focal shards, but it seems unique to Automaton Queen-based gems.

Automaton Queen does not have a Glamour skin, so I could not do any further testing.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Resources, Visual/Art, Tools/Gear
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