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Frankenstein conversation outdated

Victor Frankenstein's conversation after turning in the bound materials implies that he is currently in a desert realm like he was in a previous version, specifically Gloriana's Tears. Since he is in Gloom Swamp that should be reflected in his dia...
3 days ago in Feedback 1 Open
245 VOTE

Please add dyes and ways to make character look better and more personlized.

dyes and customization
6 months ago in Feedback 8 Open
215 VOTE

Essence Traders are kinda pointless now

I love the new 0.5 update, but with progression feature, the Essence Traders kinda feel pointless and their prices are very high. I am hoping that maybe one day they will have rarer items or unique items to purchase. But please don't let them be a...
6 months ago in Feedback 30 Open

Idea for the game

Heyy, Would it be possible to add a chest filter so you can put item of the same type in these chests ? Exemple: A chest with animal type would only take bones, hides,.. Also, Would it be possible to add an option on the npc so they can help build...
1 day ago in Feedback 0 Open

NPCs should be able to harvest plants

NPCs should be able to harvest plants/fibers/grains/veggies if equipped with a sickle and set to work here. (this would mean that an npc set to work with a sickle at a bunch of pots or farm plots could plant and harvest all their seeds if properly...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

NPC need to pick up all mats one time

No description provided
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Survivor should use lowest tier items first

In current game, my faithful survivor never fails to prioritize fueling the fire with Gilded Lumber before falling back to more mundane Wood Bundles he also happens to have in his pockets, no matter how many times I yell at him about not burning g...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Increase Aggro/Threat generation of AI companions

Hey folks, first I want to say thank you to the whole team for an amazing game! I was hoping you could increase the threat generated by AI companions so that enemies attention is divided between the player and their AI Companion. You could also c...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

NPC Behaviour

Hello dear devs, Firstly, I want to give you lots of praise and encouragement! This is a great game in the making, please don't ever give up on it! As a general note, I jump between this game, Valheim, Enshrouded and a little bit of Pax Dei so you...
2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

NPC traders: too expensive

The traders could be quite relevant, but when their pricing is such that one has to clear the map to buy a coffee... That doesn't work. Also, the placement of NPC traders is just weird. Why would one sit out in the wilds when there is a village or...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open