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Abeyance Work Stations Unloading if Outside Map Chunk

I'm theorizing why this happens, but it seems reasonable based on what I've observed. First, thank you for the automation update and I hope the team is enjoying their holidays. That's some well deserved rest, with all that's been put into the patc...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Open

Nightingale Needs Essence Conversion: A Case for Tier Flexibility

I’ve been thinking a lot about the essence system in Nightingale, and I believe there’s a missing piece – the ability to convert higher-tier essences (like T4) into lower ones, specifically T3. Right now, the only option is converting everything d...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

I have 2 issues or possible bugs

Minor Realm Cards that I just created, which is ALL BIOMES in 3 categories (x9 cards total) are not showing up in created Transmuter. There are many others that are not showing up in Transmuter also. It's like it is simply static or a set basic am...
20 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Augments stop working when i leave my home realm and come back

So i spent alot of time putting all of my augments down and making sure everything was being used correctly, but everytime i leave me realm and come back none of my workbenches are registering the augments. no traits. the only fix is destroying my...
6 months ago in Bugs 4 Under Investigation

Suggestion ─ New Material Attribute In The Form of Increased Resource Yield

I would love to see some more attribute variety for the materials in the game, and think that either an attribute adding a straight up yield multiplier when harvesting, or an attribute adding a chance for double yield would do great to add variety...
20 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Refining oddness when realm unloads

There is some massive oddness with refining that was still going on when the realm unloads. If the stack of stuff finished while the realm was still loaded then you'll end up with a negative timer when hovering over the workstation and the negativ...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 2 Open

Gramophone please?

I loved the gramophone. Could we have that again as a decor item that could sit on a table or shelf?
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Lumbermill, Quarry, Forge BUG

I have tested this now extensively with over 50 crafts: Augments: Crude Ammo Box, Cannon, Simple Saddle Rack, Crystal Ball Weapon: any pistol (tested on Refined Revolver and Mystic Lancaster) If I use the Artisan card, or any other card all of the...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Please put in more decorations

please add in more decorations, maybe make them locatable from doing corrupted fae portals. They can also be decorations we have to craft!
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open

Windows on roof tiles/inverted gable types

Windowed roof I am not sure if this has been suggested as I could not find a post talking about it. I mess with the building aspect of nightingale quite a lot and I was thinking It would be nice to see windows on roof types so there would be an op...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open