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Fires not lighting

After update Unreal 5.4 (3 Feb 25) with the new cooking system, campfire fires do not light up, nor is there an option to light or extinguish. Cooking still works, and I can add fuel, but there is no fire or burning up fuel.
13 days ago in Bugs 3 Open

The augments screen in the build menu are blank even though all augments are unlocked, all tiers. It says press P to unlock but they already are

he augments screen in the build menu are blank even though all augments are unlocked, all tiers. It says press P to unlock but they already are
about 2 months ago in Bugs 18 Planned

Refining oddness when realm unloads

There is some massive oddness with refining that was still going on when the realm unloads. If the stack of stuff finished while the realm was still loaded then you'll end up with a negative timer when hovering over the workstation and the negativ...
10 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Partners Interactions showing on my screen

I am playing multiplayer with one other personand every interaction he has, whether it's talking to someone or gathering, it shows up on my screen and none of my interactions do. This is the first time we;ve had this problem and we're going to rel...
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Two-Headed Shelf

Two-Headed Shelf not working. when placed does not apply the traits.
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Ignite button missing

recent upgrade seems to have removed the button to ignite fire sources, meaning that I no longer have a source of the warm buff.
8 days ago in Bugs 1 Duplicate

Forge card not applying bonus consistently

With a Forge minor card active, making Buttons and Buckles out of Pursuit ore gave the parts +2% greater stats (ranged and crit). However at the same time, with the Forge card active, making Fasteners out of Titan's Fingernail did NOT apply any bo...
5 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

Movement Speed perk doesn't apply when consumed

I have made a few Hearty Stews from the Fabled Fishgoat and they show that it should apply 4.6% movement speed perk for each stew. But when I consume them it shows 0% increase to my stats.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Light sources don't produce "Well Lit" status (10/2/24)

Light sources other than fires from cooking stations, fireplaces or alchemy stations don't provide the "Well Lit" bonus to crafting benches, beds or other placed items.
5 months ago in Bugs 4 Fix Live

Crafting queue freez after log out

When create any craft queue (tested on lumber and cut gems) and log off, queue freeze at log in, sometimes timer shows the correct time, and sometimes it just freezes, but in any case production stops
9 days ago in Bugs 0 Open