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Missing Augment Blueprints in Professions Unlocks

Several Augments are missing, eg: Refined Science Augment + Excellent Science Augment. This means to make 80 oil on an Excellent Mortar Station it takes 30 real world minutes to process because only Simple Science Augment can be applied. The bench...
6 months ago in Bugs 4 Open

Please Removal Animal Fibre = Thread when Dyes are Implemented

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to request that when you implemented the Dyes feature that is coming in a future update, that at the same time could you please remove the ability to use Animal Fibre as Thread for crafting purposes. A primary us...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

T3 smelter does not use T1/T2 augments

ive placed a T3 smelter and the bellows grind-stone and anvil will not connect to it. i have tried moving all of them and the issue persists
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Follower does not obey simple commands

Follower does not follow when commanded. (Was trying to move his heavy inventory to storage). 2) Follower does not "work here" (mining ore).
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

T3/T4 Fabled Leporidon Drops T4/T5 Materials

Greetings Devpeoples, Finding and killing the Tier 3 Fabled Leporidon, Awher the High Fang, results (when skinning) in dropping Tier 4 materials, rather than Tier 3. Edit: Another member of the community has found this instance also occurs with th...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

AID POI NW side of map Magwytch Marshes near Bunker entry fails to complete.

At the back of the NPC's stick tent is a Simple cooking station that needs to be supplied with materials. You can add the required sticks but in my instance it only took 3/4 of the stone requirements. No matter what I did it would not let me add t...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

automaton charm oil doesn't drop

automaton charm oil doesn't drop instead i'm getting snapdragon oil and i finished the viktor frankestein quest but didn't get the ritual seed offering so i'm stuck.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

T3/T4 plants might be too early in T1/T2 realms

All it takes is a couple of plants to be converted to Seeds, then mass-produced by gardening, and a lot of food materials become obsolete.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Checkbox search for properties on mats while crafting

So it would probably be quite hard to implement, but my idea is to allow searching of a preferred set of properties for gear. For example, I only want stealth items, or stealth with max health, and then when crafting, only the materials that have ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

T4 recipe tree

There should be a T4 recipe tree to see which ones are unlocked or yet to be unlocked, just like with all the other tiers. It's not coherent at all that the T4 recipes aren't displayed like the others (even if they were hidden until discovered).
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open