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Option to wait for dialogue when in a party

I would like an option to allow quest giving NPCs to pop up a "Wait for other players" option. Allowing the primary player to know to wait for others before beginning a quest giving conversation. This would hopefully make questing together easier ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

progression is not reflecting a compelted "run the guantlet"

When i complete the guantlet and made it to the watch the progression challenge did not show completed. Went back in an completed 2 with it showing this time. Cnnot do the swamp again as the bishop did not respawn
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Add New World style Town Board missions

One of the ways New World keeps players continuously busy/engaged. to have something to do with their spare materials, and to have a reason to keep using all their skills, is the Town Board missions. Although New World also has kill missions, typi...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Sylvan Cradle Side Quest

A House Divided can't be turned in via Myriam Jo-Chenoweth. There is no discussion point wih her about the quest.
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Quest information stuck on screen

On my UI, I have a completed quest and it's content (information, text) stuck on my screen. The quest is specifically "The Journey Home: Humanity's Final Beacon". This quest has already been completed on my end. There is no way to untrack / track it.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Offering Ritual Seed Nursery to Bishop gave Automaton's Potion, not Charm Oil

Following the long (and, to be honest, quite tedious) quest line to avoid killing the various monsters for their loot, I offered the Ritual Seed Nursery to the Automaton Bishop, but instead of the expected Charm Oil, I instead received a seemingly...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Cannot complete quest

While trying to complete the quest Target Practice given on the Magwytch realm, we (my husband and I) cannot complete the quest. We have over 100 "head shots" but 0 heart shots. My husband used a bow to try to do it, got the critical for the heart...
4 months ago in Bugs 5 Open

can't continue Sylvans Crale site of power

when yu enter the site of power in Sylvans Cradle you need to activate a few glyphs to go further down, after searchign for a long time I looked online to find out that the last glyph just doesn't show up for me. The one that's supposed to be on o...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Danu's quest dialog still references previous quest version

Danu's quest dialog still references the sound-sequence Bastilles with the "plim plom" sound references. However, the new quest directs players to collect Echoes, which have a different sound.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Find the heart of the abeyance - Energy door is terrible

When going to the first site of power in abeyance there is a electrical red glowing death wall of doom blocking the door. But you can apparently walk right through it and it doesn't matter? This is terrible design, I saw it, shot it, and all the d...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open