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Suggested Side Quests for various Realms

Various quests to help use up excess materials and emphasize gathering and crafting:

(1) In Untamed Realms once Nellie Bly is located: A "Rescue" operation to guide refugees toward Bly's camp

  • Starts on the map has a small group of refugees who are unarmed and unarmored and attacked by Bound or wildlife. They will probably be defeated shortly and end up in Injured downed state.

  • Player revives them and talks to the one who acts as quest giver, who gives the player multi-stage tasks:

    • Provide armor, weapons, ammunition, tools, and food for each of the refugees. This can be a random mix of late tier 1 or early tier 2 gear.

    • Clear an attack at their location once this is completed. This can be similar to a Defense mission except there is no destructible item the enemy can destroy to reset the mission.

    • Give them a card for Gloriana's, one Umbrella and set of Climbing Picks each, and locate the portal on the map so they can travel to Bly's camp.

(2) Once The Watch is reached:

(3) In Ascended and later Realms: Multi-stage Aid to help Realmwalkers establish a foothold in these harder realms with more complex constructions plus Defense missions in between each stage. Example:

  • Provide the Survivors with better weapons (firearms and ammo)

  • Build defenses like barricades and walls, survive a Defense mission, then rebuild any defenses that were destroyed.

  • Build sturdy structures (not Crude tileset) and include not-Crude crafting stations.

  • Add furnishings like beds, chairs, tables, and cabinets.

  • Add a portal for access to The Watch.

  • The final product should look like a small defensible outpost or fort and be populated with NPCs.

  • Can be repeated by Resetting the Realm.

(4) Once The Watch is reached, player can return to Joan of Arc where she has additional quests if her original questline is finished. She asks to be connected to The Watch with a portal, and then has bigger Aid quests and Supply quests including:

  • Complete building a Small fort and barracks with Desert tileset plus a portal.

  • Large supply of firearms, ammunition, hunting knives, grenades, food, healing potions, sets of Recrosse Armor. and connect her to the Watch.

Category Tags Quests
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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