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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 29, 2024


OK, I'm going to be very blunt here, the Empyrean Well is UTTERLY MISERABLE, for several reasons.

First, there is NOTHING OBVIOUS to tell you that the Empyrean Favor you get in the top level of the observatory is a time-limited buff needed to survive entering the Well.

Secondly, once you're IN the well, it is utterly miserable to navigate it to solve the tone puzzle, because even after you've actually figured out where the three tone crystals are and their order and gotten them unlocked, there is only a single vortex that you can use to START getting up to them, and it can take you 20 or 30 tries to successfully climb the cursed thing. And then if you miss just ONE vortex landing, you have to start all over. As if that wasn't bad enough, at least one of the easier vortexes to get to is blocked because there's a rock above it that you run smack into if you use it. And by the time you've failed about 3 or 4 times to get to any one of the three puzzle nodes, the puzzle has timed out, and again YOU HAVE TO START OVER.

I predict that players will ragequit the game over the current pure frustration of the Empyrean Well. It is all but unplayable. This might be the worst-designed game map I can remember having ever seen. Just giving us one accessible vortex that you don't have to climb a vertical needle of rock to get to would be an improvement, and blocking off one of the vortexes with a rock twenty feet above it is pure sadism.

Category Tags Other, Quests
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2024

    It's miserable if you try to use the air vortexes in tight spaces light the Well. I use the grapple function instead whenever I can.
    The Well does highlight just how clumsy the vortexes are as a game mechanic. Not fun at all.

  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2024

    To make it worse, it seems you can get into a weird game state in the empyrean well where your umbrella doesn't appear to work.