At the final dialogue to turn in the quest, clicking the "turn in" option does nothing. I've tried closing to desktop and re-opening and sleeping in a bed.
See the picture, a smelter (somewhat relevant for this building quest) is happy to burn underwater. Given that this is a story realm, you may want to give the poor guy a bit of height so his stuff isn't drowning. (Magwyth marshes, C6)
I was making baskets and putting them on a shelf unit by my door, with my door open. My recruit has been given the order to follow me, but generally does not enter my home (small area). Somehow she ended up in the home on the invisible bottom plan...
The card is "greenhouse" and I try sleeping till dawn or noon (no effect). The bound hordes still spawn in the middle of day making me think the game is actually in the night time. Has happened with a alot of cards that lock the game in day time.
and i Found out my NPC (Druide) put every Buildwood in Fireplaces and if the fireplace on all of it get burnt over time when i am out of to make new Buildwood or do some other thing Pls fix it.
I've made it to the watch and have fully bought out the Essence trader "Marvin" who sells the gear - however, the hunter's breeches (which i would love to make and use) are locked even though i have purchased the recipe. when i click on the recipe...
I'm playing on a 5.1 speaker setup and Puck's voice seems to always play at max volume from all speakers like he's in every direction at once, regardless of the Dialogue slider in the audio settings. My man is louder than thunder, magic and guns.