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Recruitable NPCs (Companions)

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Companions spawn with very low health

Companions spawn when loading into zones with extremely low health. If they are carrying healing potions, they will immediately waste them.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Recruit is unselectable without clothing

I remember I had invited one of my friends to take a recruit from my realm that I was not using anymore. I come back, and I find that now, after the latest update, the Recruit is back, standing here without clothing, and no name, unselectable. How...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

missing gear on follower after sending her home

I sent my follower home via "Ask for calling card" in the survivor management menu. When i sent her home she was in full gear with a gear score of just over 100, when i got back home after i was finished with my adventure she was NAKED. NO CLOTHES...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Better gardening Ideas

Currently, gardening in the game is quite tedious and a bit time-consuming. I like having a gardening spot near my base to optimize my storage and food preparation, but each planter only accepts one seed. I don’t quite understand the difference wi...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Mildred’s disappearance

my companion Mildred appeared no more after having used her card, taking all her equipment with her ... and impossible to find her
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

I have 2 NPCs wandering around my base

After the patch I hired an NPC named Jack who was in the first realm. When I went through the portal to the next realm, I dismissed Jack and hired a different NPC. When I went back to my base, I found Jack wandering there pointlessly. I would like...
6 months ago in Bugs 4 Open

Multiple Companions/Automation

I will begin by saying the companion system that is I place is a perfect start point to begin from, when it’s working as intended it’s one of the most rewarding systems going being able to have an extra pair of hands. However the one downside is o...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Companions Ai while collecting

The companion AI seems a bit off when you have piles of resources apart from each other, the companion will pick up 1 from 1 pile, then walk over to the other pile, and pick 1 up, moving back and forth between the piles. Occasionally they will pic...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

More efficient AI for recruitables

can we add some kind if area around the player that the AI won't pick up loot in, it's almost useless when you helper walks up to loot the ore you're mining and then just stands there because their now "waiting for you to interact" i want them to ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Recruit inventory vanish

When bringing home items on my recruit and he enters my building (after completing Bastille of Intellect), items now vanish from their inventory. I have checked all bags and my own inventory and spent an hour running back and forward letting them ...
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Open