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Hunting Knives Damage Bound Hearts Irregularly

When attacking a Bound Heart with a hunting knife, you get behavior I find a bit odd and counterintuitive, possibly defective as I'll explain below. These are what I consider "odd": Bound Hearts have a "front" and "back" side. It feels like they s...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Please Removal Animal Fibre = Thread when Dyes are Implemented

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to request that when you implemented the Dyes feature that is coming in a future update, that at the same time could you please remove the ability to use Animal Fibre as Thread for crafting purposes. A primary us...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Into the Darkness quest stuck

This is sort of my fault. I accidentally found my way in to the Sorrow Heart before I completed Breaking the Seals. You can pull yourself over the gate barrier with your climbing picks. I got through the tower and killed the Bound Sentinel, and ha...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Into The Darkness

In Glorianas Tears it is possible to Pick Climb the outer walls of the Sombre Heart, Bypassing the Forcefield blocking the entry that the quest line uses, This will stick the Quest line causing Into the darkness to be uncompletable as you killed t...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

puck doesn't appear

started over for new patch. cleared abeyance site of power, puck didn't appear at all. opened portal to sylvan's, and he appeared on the other side, but gave me the speech he gives when I kill a fabled creature. No mention of sylvan's.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Weapons not dealing damage after winter update

After the recent update, my weapons rarely do any damage to enemies, as if they're not hitting at all. I've had this issue on all enemies I've fought. I've tried using a mystic longbow with implosion arrows, mystic blunderbuss with fire ammo, and ...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

T3/T4 Fabled Leporidon Drops T4/T5 Materials

Greetings Devpeoples, Finding and killing the Tier 3 Fabled Leporidon, Awher the High Fang, results (when skinning) in dropping Tier 4 materials, rather than Tier 3. Edit: Another member of the community has found this instance also occurs with th...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Exception Access Violation causing a crash?

Went into the abeyance ruins of power, went near the room with the spawner heart thing and got a crash after shooting the heart thing twice with a bow...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Option to turn enemy sounds off?

I have anxiety and I really enjoy nightingale but the bound... freak me out. Its not really their appearance i'm freaked out by but just... the noises. It really stops me from enjoying the game. It would be nice if, like the arachnophobia mode, th...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

GS 140 character can´t tackle lvl 100 endgame bosses in maxed out gear

Running maxed out epic mystic bow and epic hunter set with everything min/maxed. My GS is stuck around 140. Well whatever. There is no chance I can kill the boss even in the lvl 100 vaults. Even lvl 67 vault makes me struggle because every weapon ...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open