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Showing 202

Suggestion: Addition of a Bestiary or Compendium

It would be really cool to have some kind of compendium that records resources and monsters/wildlife that the player encounters, as the player encounters them. Things that haven't been found yet obviously shouldn't show up ( could be marked as jus...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Boss rush not reseting

Dying on lvl 21 boss rushSends me back to the first room with teleporterButton for resetting doesnt work, no prompts at all Ive died about 10 times on the same boss, boss hp doesnt reset so i can chip it away bit at a timeReopening the portals put...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Boss Rush - Wave Selection Not Working

When in a boss rush and selecting a wave at the pedestal, it can be toggled to waves 1, 11 or 21. However, no matter which option you choose, the encounters will start at wave 1. This occurs whether entering a fresh boss run portal, or after dying...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Estate Cairn should despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies

Please allow the Estate Cairn, to completely despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies in the vacinity of the Estate Cairn that would include non-aggro as well as aggro mobs - such as Deer, Pig, Beezleboar, Bound, Carnute, etc. I have a Respite in a T3 He...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Emergent PvE encounters & ambience is lacking

I am a first time solo player with the recent major update and have been enjoying much of the game. But what I've started to feel more and more now that I'm into tier 3 is how few things happen in the world outside of the player's actions. I've n...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Karnute is still destroying tree populations

The Karnute tramples the tree stumps wherever it goes. So no new trees can grow there. I have already reported the error once and it still exists. Since the two carnutes on the floating world are now running around somewhere else, all the trees wi...
21 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Target Practice

Trying to get Hit Heart Shots, every single time i hit a animal for 12.3k with a arrow on the heart, but it still doesnt count towards the quest.
21 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Trophies for all creatures

Would be nice to be able to craft trophies from the fabled Bones/leather/chitin. Should be not to easy to craft those but needs at least 5 bones of one fabled and T5 materials to craft a trophy that can be used as decoration in the house. The T5 m...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

immune mobs and bosses

Sometimes (mostly with bound ) the enemies become immune to all of my damage except my followers . All i can do is spectate and revive my follower while i wait for them to kill them Especially frustrating to do during Boss Rush
22 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

blot the bull goat field boss runs to the ocean every time i shoot him

Every time i try to take out blot the bull goat he runs so fast i cant keep up and his jumping back and forth makes him very dificult to shoot and keep up heaven forbid i have to reload while i jump glide across the swamp to catch up. he takes off...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open