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Respite Realm

Showing 48

I Cannot Travel to Respite

I was in the Ascended Provisioner Swamp and did not have the option to travel to Respite so I traveled to the Watch. Now I am stuck at the Watch and I still do not have the option to travel to my Respite. I tried the option to travel to Respite wh...
5 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Open

return to respite

When you return to respite its putting you far away from your base.
5 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Traveling from The Watch resets Abeyance Respite Point

Using "Travel to Respite" from The Watch causes the Respite spawn point to reset to a location other than the Estate Cairn. Specifically, it resets to the "Guest" spawn point when I invite any party members to my Abeyance. This is also exactly the...
6 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Player Spawn Points Change Based On How They Get To Other Players Realms

Basically, to make this simple in case it keeps occurring, over a bit of testing, I had assumed spawn points in realms were at fixed points. But today, we realized what we all just assumed was a game mechanic, might actually be a bug. Short back s...
16 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 2 Open

Ability to 'dismiss' Recruited Surviors to Respite

It would be nice to be able to dismiss a follower to stay are your Respite. This way you do not always have to have a follower with you when you don't want one, but can get a favored follower back again when you need them. Players could explore on...
26 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Possibility to choose the type of terrain of our future respite

Hello team inflexion game! I encourage you and thank you with all my heart to continue developing this great game and to listen to us! We would love to have the ability to choose terrain type when searching for a new world of respite! Example : We...
19 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Wolves Attacking Abeyance Structures

Since the last update I've had wolves in my Abeyance realm repeatedly attack my base structure. They ignore me and seem to target primarily a lamp post, a stone wall, and a planter box, but have caused extensive enough damage to break foundations ...
20 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Invincible Stump

There is a stump on my estate in my Abeyance Realm that shows able to be cut down yet takes no damage when I attempt to go after it with any kind of axe. I have tried different angles and nothing. It's become rather annoying to me since I am tryin...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Visual Glitches around Abeyance Respite

Intermittent issue where I would look around near the Respite cairn and there would be traces similar to Realm Minor Card being played but persisting. I am attempting to attach screen shots to show this. This is a still frame so imagine this flick...
9 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Rework (activity)-from storage

First, crafting and building from storage is huge! Thanks!!! That being said, without having a visibility ring for crafting and build ranges it gets odd. Originally I was going to suggest just giving us a visible ring in the build menu (x), but...
27 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open