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Firearms Attachments

Would it be possible to see weapon attachments implemented in the future such as bayonets and period accurate scopes
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Weird weapon imbalance.

I noticed that for some reason bows and sling bows have a higher base damage than any of the guns. Which considering the material costs involved seem weird as hell. I mean, sling bows have the highest base damage, and you can make ammo for them fr...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

Emergent PvE encounters & ambience is lacking

I am a first time solo player with the recent major update and have been enjoying much of the game. But what I've started to feel more and more now that I'm into tier 3 is how few things happen in the world outside of the player's actions. I've n...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Add Separate Keybind for "Cast"

I've seen a few other kinda-sorta similar posts, but none as straightforard as the title of this one. Currently, "reload" and "cast" share the same keybind (default R). This makes enchanting ranged weapons like rifles to also use enchantments (at ...
22 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

Sprint button broken

The L3 doesn't work on controller, for someone like me who's PC is down and who is currently relegated to the steam deck it makes it extremely difficult to play always being restricted to walking everywhere I go and makes outrunning enemies that a...
22 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Charm of the Healer prevents damage

Charm of the Healer prevents damage from poison, fire and Maleficium. It does not protect against impact damage, only the damage from those sources. Charm of the Healer also prevents damage from Charm of Blood when casting enchantments.
22 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

immune mobs and bosses

Sometimes (mostly with bound ) the enemies become immune to all of my damage except my followers . All i can do is spectate and revive my follower while i wait for them to kill them Especially frustrating to do during Boss Rush
23 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Companion resetting to base health.

My companion's health resets to his base health whenever changing areas, ignoring health given from gear. Happens anywhere, doesn't matter the card.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Azazel fight

Azazel fight is underwhelmingly Grindy. the Healing paired with high health and the trees being immune unless the heal phase starts is rough. i suggest either capping how much Azazel can heal per phase or allow a player to focus on the trees any t...
6 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

New Weapons Examples Ideas

Katanas since we have pagoda tileset, 2 hand weapon, quite similar to swords but with a different attack pattern animation and a little bit more dmg since its a 2 hand weapon, same parry mechanic for secondary action.Tier 1, wood katana, t2 simple...
26 days ago in Feedback 0 Open