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Extraction not progressing in apex vault

Apex vault in extraction phase, enemies not spawning and just stuck there.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Hermetic Flame pevents sword riposte from critically striking

It's as the title says. When I parry with my sword while the Hermetic Flame buff is active, the resulting riposte isn't a critical hit, instead just dealing normal damage. I haven't tried it with Shockwave, but I'd imagine it behaves the same. In ...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Craft with all T5 mats to get T3 item

If I craft Mystics with T4, T5 mats all I get is T3. It also does not change Tier when upgrading, stays a T3 even at epic.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Enemy fire through walls destroying interior

Bug happened after 5.4 updateStanding and storing gear when an bug spit through wall destroying chest. Surprised me as I didn't even know a bug was there. Solid Tudor wall, of course was damaged but not compared to interior of home.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

More options to hunt

It would be nice to have more options when hunting.Such as, traps, that would be able to hold an enemy for a time in place, entirely on hold, possibly more than one, that can be thrown/placed with an item in inventory as entering building mode, pl...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Borderless Windowed

Using borderless windowed causes, the mouse to move to another screen when you're not in a menu. This causes the game to tab out when you attack or use a tool requiring you to click back into the game. This makes combat and other actions very tedi...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

The Future of Parametric Materials

Hello Inflexion, and hello fellow Realmwalkers! TL;DR: I believe Nightingale needs crafting materials with more specific uses and more logical progressions that encourage players to carefully consider their options and make decisions that support ...
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Bishop do not provide the charm oil

I have tried numerous times now, but the Bishop no longer provide the charm oil. You get somekind of automoton potion that reduce aggressiveness, but not the actual charm oil needed to open the portal. That is after trying to kill to get it and af...
6 months ago in Bugs 5 Open

Magick Ammunition underpowered

Magick ammo damage/time is too low. Even with a full magic build the damage is insignificant largely. Magick ammo seems to be primarily useful only for overcoming resistances regardless of whether the player uses a full magick or full range build,...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Ascended realms HP: grind beyond measure

I am playing on champion and any and all ambition to play on nightmare is slowly disappearing. Not because it is (too) hard, but because there seems to be a fundamental error in design. Grinding is not fun, yet this is exacxtly what we get. Insane...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open