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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 5, 2024

Combatant's Workshop Minor Realm Card Feedback

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is to call attention to the Combatant's Workshop minor realm card, and the fact that its stated effects description is both misleading and incorrect, and I have highlighted in bold the incorrect part. I have included multiple screenshots of the cards description, to demonstrate the areas referenced in the body of this post.

The cards description states:

"Play this card to craft tools that deal greater damage, but offer reduced yield."

This card states that the tools that are crafted with it will offer reduced yield, however, this is not the case. The description that Workbenches receive whilst this card is active is the following:

  • Crafted tools gain Melee Damage ++

The description itself here makes no mention of any Yield adjustments (image #1).

However, when you view the Map with this card active, it shows the following effect (image #2):

  • Decreased yield from resource nodes and creatures

This is not stated upon the card prior to crafting (image #3 - I have highlighted the descriptive element), nor upon the card in the Player's inventory (image #4), nor upon the card when being played or active in the Transmuter (image #5), and also not in the Progression menu (image #6).

As you can see, the fact that for 4 out of the 6 ways to view this cards effects imply that when you craft a tool, it results in having reduced yield, 1 way doesn't show any negative effect at all, and the final 1 way does accurately show this negative.

With testing, it has been determined that this "decreased yield" equates to roughly -25% resources gained, and only applies whilst this card is active in the realm.

This causes -significant- confusion among the Players wishing to use this card, and -must- be fixed for clarity, and the simple fact is there is absolutely no benefit what so ever to having this card active outside of crafting, none!

Whilst simultaneously there is absolutely no downside to crafting tools with this card, since the negative is only whilst the card is active.

Suggested Fix:

Please simply allow this card to directly effect the yields of the tools crafted with it active, exactly as what the majority of the description implies it does. Have tools crafted with this minor card gain Melee Damage ++, and Yield - (-25% resources yield from harvested).

Please let this card -finally- do what it should be doing, what the descriptions give the Player the understanding of.

Kind Regards,


Category Tags Resources, Farming, Realm Cards, Combat, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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