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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2024

Minor Cards in Public Realm

Being unable to play any minor cards in realms that are public discourages the use of public realms more than they already are.

Please revert this change and allow minor cards to be used in these realms.

Category Tags Multiplayer, Realm Travel
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2024

    Since realms now start with a minor card in effect, getting stuck with whatever RNGeezus gives you is really, really bad. Pretty much kills any interest I might've had in trying public realms. I know you wanted to limit the trollability of the experience, but this just makes it worse tbh. Trust the players to control their experience.

  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2024

    If the vaults were the problem , disable the minor cards THERE instead of in all public realms.
    Or maybe just disable building in ONLY the vaults.