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Climbing picks bug and you can't do anything.

Upon climbing with the climbing picks sometimes if you reach the top of the cliff with 0 stamina you bug out, You are not able to do anything. I tried using my bow to fix it after drinking a stamina potion and i was stuck floating 20ft off the gro...
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Character stuck in combat stance

Often when I use magic, the character does not reset the normal stance and is stuck in the combat stance with fists out. It's really annoying and immersion breaking. Sometimes switching weapons fixes it but most of the time nothing helps.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Recruits having issue with Bhutan Upper Floor

I have been battling this issue all night as to why my recruit goes up about 3 stairs to follow me, then just turns around and goes back down and just stops at gound level. It turns out there must be a new bug with the way recruits handle the "no ...
5 months ago in Bugs 7 Open

Climbing picks should latch onto less steep slopes

I would like to see climbing picks latch onto slopes that are less than almost vertical. Essentially as soon as a slope is too steep to walk, the climbing picks should be able to latch on. Maybe even always latch on, even if you would otherwise no...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

3rd Person Expressions and Animations

I just got the game and haven't gotten too far yet, but I think that third person mode could have better animations and just more of them in general. For example, animations reflecting statuses like injury (limping) disease (coughing) wetness (shi...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

unable to crouch vault or use climbing picks, also cant harvest

i dont know hwat causes it but occasionally when i use my climbing picks ill lose the ability to reuse them and then i cant crouch or vault ive also noticed that sometimes it also makes it so i cant harvest animal corpses
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

[Copy] Umbrella glide does not always trigger

When triggering glide with the umbrella, sometimes it will only produce the sound but not glide. By the time you notice this, chances are, you fell too far already and need to climb back up. I've reported this before the wipe already. Does not app...
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

The pathfinding of the AI survivors needs some work

So I'm fighting Azazel (boss of Sylvan's Cradle; already an annoying fight) and he's down to low health. He knocks me down, my companion tries to raise me... and runs into a tree. Rather than going around the tree, he teleports backwards. He proce...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Stuck in air with no stamina, unable to move.

I was using climbing stick to climb a hill, when it got a bit glitchy, like my character tried to climb up but couldn't. I ran out of stamina, and instead of falling, i was just stuck on the side of the hill. I tried using the "I'm Stuck" option i...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Character got stuck, cant move any other way except dashing

Yeah so was fighting off some bears while trying to hop onto a rock. Got downed midway climbing and after I got revived i couldnt move anymore. I can jump upwards but still cant move. Dashing seems to be the only way to be able to move as far as I...
3 months ago in Bugs 3 Open