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Party system bug.

Can not receive invites from our group. When invite is sent to group members they will not receive it either. This is true for both public and private invite settings.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 1 Open

Bosh Rush Freezes on "All is Ready" Loading Screen

I've participated in a Boss Rush once. I completed around 14 rounds, then left. Now when I enter a Boss Rush portal, the loading screen freezes once the "All is Ready" text appears at the bottom right. I've tried closing & re-opening the porta...
3 months ago in Bugs 10 Planned

Blue/purple beezleboar products display as green

When customizing gear, the blue/purple beezleboar fiber/hide/leather displays in preview, but once you click "customize" and view the gear outside the menu it displays as the green beezleboar materials instead.
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

What is the point of speeding 600 tier 4 on metal customization .

I just spent 600 tier 4 on Metal customization and Nothing changes none of my crafting tables reflect any thing. I am confused is this broken ?
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Glamor Station is giving the wrong colors

Bugs in the Glamor Station: (1) When selecting animal fiber, hide, or leather colors in the Glamor station after completing the change the color ends up wrong on the outfit. (2) Also when changing colors in the Glamor station the view flashes back...
8 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

quick travel

quick travel back to respite is not working. just loads current location. have to exit and reenter to respite location.
15 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Items don't attach properly on wall.

Hunter's Trophy and Tudor wall Hook can only be placed inside the wall.
16 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss Rush portal bugged after Winter Update

After the Winter Patch, when I try to enter the Boss Rush portal, I'm completely stuck at "all is ready" until I forcibly close the game.Tried to re-enter the game, opened a new portal and convalidate files to no avail
3 months ago in Bugs 5 Planned

RB & LB on controller in crafting menu don't increase amount crafted any more

Going into a crafting menu on a workbench, RB and LB on controller used to increase the amount crafted but now it moves the menu to show the augmentations on the crafting bench. However, RB and LB are still showing up as the button to increase or ...
24 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Inactive Pale Pylon Bug

In Pandora's Bane after giving the NPC the heart and starting the inactive pale plyon bug, the screen frooze the entire time and jumped around.
8 days ago in Bugs 0 Open