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Nightingale Community Portal


Showing 1298 of 3097

Allow more infusions on higher tier gear.

I think you should allow the player to put more infusions on higher tier gear items, in the same way it is currently possible with spells. So 1 infusion for grey items, 2 for green, 3 for blue and so on. It would add another layer to the "getting ...
21 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Quick stack to nearby containers via shortkey

exactly as the title says :)
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Photo Mode

This game could really do with a photo mode like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Fallout 76 has. Camera filters, zooming and more emotes/poses for characters for example. I think it would be a popular feature and would be useful for the contests in the ...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

I love this game, thank you!

Hello, I really love this game. I've bought it several times for others and encouraged many others to buy it as well. Thank you for your hard work! You've made an amazing game, everything about it is so much fun!
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Add Ladders & Half Width Stairs

Please consider adding ladders and halfwidth as furniture items. I suggest adding both as furniture items as opposed to building tile sets for greater flexibility, but either could work. Walls can have ladders or smaller stair cases snapping to th...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fibres Re-Revisited - Community Theorycraft Project

Fibres Re-Revisited Greetings Devpeoples, This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together, and discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Ability to lock resources and items in inventory.

Please add the ability to lock items in inventory, so they dont go to chests, when using options to transfer all, or transfer similar. There are some Items I always want to keep in my inventory.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Improve augment and infusion mechanics

When crafting an item, there are several issues with the augment stations and their associated infusions. When constructing augments, it is not clear which ones will stack. When crafting a Simple Slingbow, a "Simple Hunting Augment" from a Hunter'...
5 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

New Bosses for Holidays

I was talking with another player about my pets and mentioned I was hoping for a bunny with long floppy ears for the Easter holiday coming up. He got all excited thinking maybe you guys could add Holiday bosses to the game, us fighting a giant bun...
22 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fireplace can no longer buff beds after Unreal Engine 5.4 Update

Fireplaces used to buff beds (So we - my friend and I) usually build a fireplace around the beds. Since the 5.4 Update this buffs seems to be deleted in general? Fireplaces can't even connect anymore with beds. It would be nice to have this featur...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open