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Colors in item customization swap to the wrong color

When using the glamour station to customize items I noticed some of the "lower tier" colors will switch to the highest tier of that pattern after hitting apply. For example, all other tiers of Death weaver spider will appear as T3 Death weaver spi...
24 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

The quick slot is not functioning properly.

I am playing with the controller, but even if I don't press and hold the left or right directional buttons for the item quick slot, the wheel appears and I can't switch to the next item.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Misleading information when crafting items - Masterwork Items

When crafting the Masterwork Sickle and Masterwork Umbrella I noticed the tool tip indicates that Masterwork Handles are crafted at the Excellent Masonry Bench when in fact they are crafted at the Excellent Saw Table
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Residents sits on the furnitures really weird.

It would be really nice if the residents would get their a** recentered, because they sit around the house like unruly teenagers. Applies to bathtub aswell. Thank you.
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Crashes after the last update

Title, mostly in boss rush from the watch for me but some times is just random
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Got trapped between parts of the building above the sewer

I was looking for what sounded like a hope Echo in the sewers in Pandora's Bane. Found a weird exit to a place under the ground. Used grapping hooks to latch onto buildings, got stick in between buildings. No escape!
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

North Pandora's Bane Bastille of Intellect Bugged

The Bastille of Intellect in Northern Pandora's Bane is marked as 'Complete' despite me never encountering it before. To access it, I had to break a wooden door, and entering the area all of the stone walls covering the music pylons were untouched...
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

My New nightingale City gate is gone

So The gate I built to go to Nightingale city is gone and now I have no way to get back in the sense I dont have my Collocated Lotus now. Anyone else having this issue?
3 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Recipe missing for Masterwork handle

Unlocked the masterwork longbow. The recipes for the masterwork grip and ornaments appear in their respective excellent crafting benches. The recipe for the masterwork handle does not appear in the excellent masonry bench and I do not see it on an...
3 days ago in Bugs 4 Open

Character Model/Appearance Changing On Its Own

Since the 0.7 patch, one of my characters' appearance continues to alter itself when I am logged out of the game. Similar issues are happening to a friend of mine who plays as well but only on one character of theirs as well. With my character, hi...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open