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Hud indication for grappling hook function

I LOVE the new grappling hook functionality with the climbing picks, but I wish there was some kind of visual indicator for when you're pointed at a valid target. I haven't quite figured out the range and angles that are guaranteed to work with it...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Improve augment and infusion mechanics

When crafting an item, there are several issues with the augment stations and their associated infusions. When constructing augments, it is not clear which ones will stack. When crafting a Simple Slingbow, a "Simple Hunting Augment" from a Hunter'...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 4 Open

Wall signs that you can rename.

This is just an idea. But a buildable wall sign that takes the place of a sconce that costs like one build point but can be renamed like a storage chest to help you remember what is in a room of your house or what that crafting bench is used for. ...
2 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

Stuck in third person

Got stuck in third person, haven't used it at all and suddenly when i went to the watch it locked me into third person and i cannot make it go back to 1st person. Its incredibly frustrating because i cant plaay the game in third.
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Loading into realm, no floor

When loading into abeyance realms or other respites, via lodestar or respite, sometimes the building around where I am spawning does not load in all the way. The floor and some walls may be missing. The character will still be standing shakily on ...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Augmentations still need a lot of UI clarification to learn what exactly is applying to a crafting station

I'm very confused about this, but this is either a bug or I don't understand the augmentation system correctly. I have 3 augmentations for my cooking station (tier 2 the lot of them). However when inspecting the station's status, I only see "Shelt...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Boss Rush Bound Sentinel Exploit

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to alert you to a current exploit within the Boss Rush format, that being it is possible to skip the challenge of the Bound Sentinel arena by immediately killed the Knight which spawns out of sight (but does spaw...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

bonjours a vous tous hier j'ai installe le jeu pour pouvoir y jouer avec un amis j'ai finit le didacticiel mais pas moyen d'inviter ou de rentre dans le groupe de mon ami je suis deja au rive de welkin mais toujours aucun acces de groupe j'ai beau aller voir sur internet comment faire ils me disent tous pareil c a dire : " finir le tuto cree groupe puis inviter via le pseudo " probleme 1 je le trouve pas 2je ne peut pas inviter et lui de meme alors j'aurai beaucoup aimer que l'on me dise quel es le probleme et pourquoi je n'est aucun acces a la coop avec mon ami

la coop
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Controller left-right hand logic... is not logical

Its more a question of ergonomy, but the choice that have been made are not logical : -the principal hand menu is visually on the left. the selection key is expressed on the left (the controller cross) -the secondary hand is visually on the right....
4 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Xbox controler in Inventory and crafting manipulations

when you transfer material or manipulate stuff in your inventory, when the operation is done, the Index come back to first slot of the inventory. its quite painfull to get down to your list emplacement and continue to clean/ convert/transfer. The ...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open