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Quantity sliders need text box for exact numbers

Because it is extremely difficult to select 10 units of something when the total stack is 2000+, e.g., trying to Extract just a little bit of T2 into T1 Essence.
2 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Still not able to sit on furniture. Add get up from bed animation

Please allow us to be able to sit on furniture. And after we rest/sleep a get up from bed animation should play once rest is over.
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Well Lit Augment

I've noticed that any of the structures in the game under the "lighting" tab. Do not give the "well lit" augment to anything. What's the point of building any of them outside of just ambiance?
3 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Friends list

I feel like there have been people that have requested more social features in the game, however the only one that I saw was talking strictly about Guilds and such, where as I feel at the very least it is astounding that you can look up your frien...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Trees regrown in abeyance realm through the buildings and invincible.

Trees regrown in abeyance realm through the buildings and invincible. Regrows spell is not affecting them. Now half of my base is impassible.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 2 Planned

Yex and the helmsmans bound have no weak spots

As Yex and helmsman don't have any weak points, you can't crit them (except with a sword parry ), which makes critical focused builds very weak against them. They're the only bosses like this, It creates a huge imbalance between waves, when it tak...
13 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Estate Cairn should despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies

Please allow the Estate Cairn, to completely despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies in the vacinity of the Estate Cairn that would include non-aggro as well as aggro mobs - such as Deer, Pig, Beezleboar, Bound, Carnute, etc. I have a Respite in a T3 He...
14 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Button to collapse all categories in crafting menu.

It can be annoying that all categrories are open when you open your crafting meny. Search is very good but a button to collapse all categories when you are not sure what the item you are searching for are called.
about 1 month ago in Feedback 1 Planned

Dark Interiors/Allow for adjustable lighting/illumination radius

Hi. Despite having tons of chandeliers and lamps, my interiors are still very dark. I would love to be able to adjust interior lighting brightness so that I can make my interior much more illuminated.
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Please make railings toggleable for stairs

In many building situations, my stairs clip into the ground a decent bit. When the stairs have a railing on them it looks very odd so I often have to use stairs from a different set in some spots but then the wood doesnt match. I would like to be ...
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open