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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2024

Welkin's Reach Well Intellect Puzzle broken for reaching Antonia Maury

SPOILER: You must open the doors in front of the pylons in order to complete the puzzle. This made sense when the pylons formerly had a blue beam connecting the pylon to the puzzle finish, but makes NO SENSE now that they do not. And sense there are glowing blue floor pieces everywhere for jumping, it makes NO SENSE that we should be looking for ways to open the doors. If you like the doors, then bring back the blue beams (which I liked a lot). If not, then don't fail the puzzle when pylons are activated in the RIGHT order just because the doors aren't opened.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Quests, POIs
Realms Welkin’s Reach
Steps to Reproduce Activate the pylons in the correct order, but do not step on the blue plates to lower the grate doors in front of them first.
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