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Well Lit Augment

I've noticed that any of the structures in the game under the "lighting" tab. Do not give the "well lit" augment to anything. What's the point of building any of them outside of just ambiance?

Category Tags Building
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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    • Guest
      Nov 27, 2024

      There's a dev comment on this here:

    • Guest
      Sep 24, 2024

      All the lighting in the game needs a complete overhaul.
      None of the objects actually.... you know... LIGHT anything.

      The sconces' radii are all barely the size of the sconce itself and there's no falloff of any kind that I can see. The various ceiling lights to a great job of putting a spot of light on the ceiling tile they hang from - and that's about it.

      I have spammed lights to literally every snap point available, wall and ceiling, and i can barely see anythnig inside my base. Don't you want us to be able to see all the nifty things the 3D artists made??? I'd like to!

      And as OP notes, none of them count as "well lit" to anything even right under or next to it.

      If this is known and these lights were just placehodlers, please let us know, because it's worrying. I am seriously worried about my aging eyes every time i'm in a base interior doing crafting or whatever because i'm constantly squinting (not to mention dealing with the awful fake "eye adpation" nonsense that everyone insists on using). Some ETA on when lights get fully implemented would be greatly appreciated, as it's weird we got things like new fancy build sets (that you can't see the insides of...) but the lights are unchanged, or worse, than .3.

    • Guest
      Sep 24, 2024

      I noticed the same thing that only cooking fires seem to provide well lit and I'm not enjoying this. Previously, any lighting source gave it to you. I really really do not like that I seem to have to put fires everywhere for this bonus.

    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2024

      Currently no lights are providing the well-lit bonus

    • Guest
      Sep 19, 2024

      Before Realms Rebuilt the things under the lighting tab did give "well lit". This is a significant issue now because "well lit" cuts 10 seconds off crafting time and you shouldn't need a fire in every crafting room.

    • Guest
      Sep 15, 2024

      I was able to place the simple cooking station on top of a planter to get the well-lit and warm augments, plants in the planter grow fine. I'd suggest removing the ability to build anything on top of a planter. It does look cool though with a fire illuminating through a barberry bush.

    • Guest
      Sep 15, 2024

      I can also add that building a greenhouse with planter boxes / pots indoors - does not benefit from any sconce, candle, brazier or anything that provides light, that is placed above, besides, or against the wall near planter boxes. However, when you build a simple cooking station and ignite it, then everything in a vicinity gets 2 benefits. Well-lit and warm. Lights should provide the well-lit augment for planter boxes IMHO. It just doesn't logically make sense that lights don't provide the well-lit augment. And I seem to recall that being the case when early access first launched.