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More lore

I'm so happy to see a game in this type of setting as its woefully underrepresented and the only thing in media I've gotten to consume of this type is the Jonathan Strange & Mr.Norrell tv show that sadly got canceled. That said I really hope you fill out the lore and show some of the mythology of Brythoic Celtic Britain as it truly is interesting and never gets to shine. In that vein I hope for two important biomes required for that a under-hill biome (hopefully a story one) that encapsulates the home of the retreating sidhe (fey) and a bog biome as that is intrinsically connected to many creatures in the mythology. On an unrelated note I hope for the tiers of equipment to be expanded upon but I imagine it will be and this is just the stuff needed for proper early access.

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      Oct 13, 2024

      Celtic build sets as what we have with stave, the inclusion of round shields/swords and pictish/Celtic armours.