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More Fantastical realms

Right now and I will admit I'm only on like the 5th story realm but the realms feel rather tame for being fey realms.

Some of the critters are "fantastical" (but lack anything mystical to them like invisibility), and there is almost a self contained patch here and there of flora which feels like it's just there for resource purposes... there is the minor realm card adjustments which while very visually changing are very intangible, so overall the realms feel like earth with some minor embellishment.

Meanwhile the flavor text you get among other things feels like there is a disconnect, where are the giant mushrooms/beanstalks? I think one of the flavor texts in game mentions trees with giant acorns.
I'm not saying do it all at once although now that I think about it a random chance to see all the crazy things at once would be something, but there is so many abnormal ideas like rainbow water that applies random status effects for X amount of time swimming in it, geysers that spew magic fumes that fly off in twists and land randomly causing some abnormality or even a random abnormality like regrowth, fire patch, poison gas, etc.

I think the best thing I saw so far was??? story realm 3 I think? the desert with the floating rocks.

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    • Guest
      Oct 14, 2024

      Giant Tree realms! We could build treehouses with a treehouse tilset!