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My posts: Realm Travel

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Can't press portal button after boss fight

After fighting Sheliak's Yoke and collecting rewards, I am unable to press the glowing blue button that should activate the portal out. It shows a white dot like interactable objects should when I get close, but never get the option to activate it...
about 6 hours ago in Bugs 1 Open

Allow Us to Name Estate Address Minor Realm Cards

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to ask that there be implemented a method to "Name" estate address realm cards, so that we as Players can easily find and use multiple estate cards, and use the right estate cards for specific people, or even our...
6 months ago in Feedback 5 Open

Multiplayer: Join Same Crossroads

I know it was mentioned in Discord that devs will be looking into this, but I just want to get the request on record here - please please find a way for friends to join the same Crossroads. Right now, unless you are the "primary", the "travel to c...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

1-3 minute loading screens when traveling anywhere

it takes roughly 45-180 seconds for a portal to open. once i walk through the portal, it takes 30-180 seconds for the realm to be ready. if i forget something and need to go back to base... i could easily log into the game and spend the first 10 m...
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Respite not the correct respite

I have updated and deleted my old estate cairn, yet I am still being brought back to my first estate cairn in Sylvains Cradle.
8 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Deployable Lodestar kit

So I'm loving the game and really enjoying exploring. One thing I find a bit of a pain is when exploring a realm and I've forgotten to bring all the kit for a lodestar and then need to make benches to make stone/wire/lumbar. How about at Respite w...
2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Unable to enter Boss Rush in Offline Mode

I've been unable to enter boss rush on my offline character. I put the card in the portal, and it doesn't give me any options to reset before opening a portal. It just says "reopen portal", so that's what I do. I go through the portal and everythi...
2 months ago in Bugs 6 Planned

Either drastically improve realm loading speed or do something about moving stuff between realms

It is extremely tedious to transfer stuff back and forth between the realm you are exploring and the realm you are headquartered at. The main issue is the excessive load times travelling between realms. This is highly disruptive to realm explorati...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

"Return to The Crossways" in multiplayer

I am playing in multiplayer, and I have been playing in my team-mates Abeyance realm. Clicking "Return to The Crossways" returns me to the crossways on my original Abeyance realm rather than the crossways of the abeyance realm that I am acively pl...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Opening a portal does not load and it just shuts down with no effect

I went to the crossway to enter my first realm after the abeyance (Sylvan's Cradle) for the second time, and the portal loads up with the smoke and music. several minutes later, it just stops and no portal opens. Multiple reports of this happening...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 3 Open