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Spyglass Suggestion

The spyglass is already very useful for finding creatures out in the wild that are either behind terrain or too far away to pick out visually. However, aside from a bit of passive stats there's nothing that really incentivizes upgrading from the b...
4 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Forge card not applying bonus consistently

With a Forge minor card active, making Buttons and Buckles out of Pursuit ore gave the parts +2% greater stats (ranged and crit). However at the same time, with the Forge card active, making Fasteners out of Titan's Fingernail did NOT apply any bo...
6 months ago in Bugs 6 Fix Live

Unable to Complete Apprentice Lumberjack Challenge

Greetings Devpeoples, With the changes to the Abeyance Realm and it becoming a fixed Biome (Forest), and being the only Tier 1 Realm that Players can access, it has now become impossible to complete the Lumberjack challenges, because Players can o...
6 months ago in Feedback 6 Open

Skinning Not Working Consistently

Skinning is not entirely reliable. In every Realm so far, I occasionally have problems skinning a mob.It is by far most pronounced in Swamps. I find it helps to move around, gather anything under or next to the mob (rocks, plants, etc) but this do...
6 months ago in Bugs 10 Under Investigation

Deployable Lodestar kit

So I'm loving the game and really enjoying exploring. One thing I find a bit of a pain is when exploring a realm and I've forgotten to bring all the kit for a lodestar and then need to make benches to make stone/wire/lumbar. How about at Respite w...
2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

climbing picks right mouse click doesn't work.

Spontaneously couldn't use righ click. Right click to block with knife works, but not with climbing picks. Couldn't climb with normal jump either. Tried to remap the button .. didn't work. Had to travel to respit for it to work again equally 'spon...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Open

Fabled Automaton Bishop only trades once

When the Fabled Automaton Bishop is spawned it only allows one trade. When playing with multiple people this prevents all but one player from progressing the story. This can be overcome by resetting the realm, but if there are 3+ players that make...
19 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Unable to enter Boss Rush in Offline Mode

I've been unable to enter boss rush on my offline character. I put the card in the portal, and it doesn't give me any options to reset before opening a portal. It just says "reopen portal", so that's what I do. I go through the portal and everythi...
2 months ago in Bugs 6 Planned

Organize augments please

I'm only a bit into the new update but I'm quite happy with the streamlining of the augmentations! I wouldn't simplify more than this, but so far it feels about right. That being said, I do wish the augments were organized somehow in the build men...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

Building still needs major work, this is ridiculous

The building system is absolutely still miserable. Please allow us to toggle snap/ free place. Also, please give us half and quarter sized foundations, floors, walls, half and quarter sized stairs and also different perhaps SMALLER variety of stai...
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open