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Excellent Smelter will only burn fuel

Excellent Smelter when you hold press E, only has an Inspect and an Add fuel option. There is no crafting option, meaning I have no access to any higher tier ingredients.
17 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Suggestion: Addition of a Bestiary or Compendium

It would be really cool to have some kind of compendium that records resources and monsters/wildlife that the player encounters, as the player encounters them. Things that haven't been found yet obviously shouldn't show up ( could be marked as jus...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

missings tables sword bug file corruption

Like several previous bug posts since the drop I too have a crafted mystic sword I cannot equip with the same corrupted file data error message - however, I have also discovered missing round side tables on both my on line builds. Please can this ...
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Tier visibility: building/crafting menu

Please add visibility to the tiers; for example when making augments if we could just put them in a drop down menu "Tier 1", "Tier 2", etc. Now we have to click on every single one every time we want to check augments. Other super useful options w...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

More use for essence

Low tier essence use is subpar. It would be great if we could other use for lower tier essence than just repair for t1 and unlocking progress. Many recipe could benefit from needing essence. Especially refined mats (think gilded&etched for exa...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

crafting with higher tier produce (for exemple etched)

I think some opportunity is lost here. For exemple, we can use etched ingot to replace normal ingot in recipe but etched doesn't offer any additional bonuses, just an extra step. Why is the recipe of etched ingot not requiring something elses than...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Elemental Ammunition for Bows

The addition of bows is something I really appreciate, and the choice between the two styles can be fun, but it doesn't really make sense that guns have the option to load magical ammunition and the two (current) bows don't. Would it be that diffi...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Abeyance Work Stations Unloading if Outside Map Chunk

I'm theorizing why this happens, but it seems reasonable based on what I've observed. First, thank you for the automation update and I hope the team is enjoying their holidays. That's some well deserved rest, with all that's been put into the patc...
3 months ago in Bugs 6 Open

I have 2 issues or possible bugs

Minor Realm Cards that I just created, which is ALL BIOMES in 3 categories (x9 cards total) are not showing up in created Transmuter. There are many others that are not showing up in Transmuter also. It's like it is simply static or a set basic am...
18 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Nightingale Needs Essence Conversion: A Case for Tier Flexibility

I’ve been thinking a lot about the essence system in Nightingale, and I believe there’s a missing piece – the ability to convert higher-tier essences (like T4) into lower ones, specifically T3. Right now, the only option is converting everything d...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open