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CTD when using Axepick on 230 Trees in Swamp Ascendant Provisioner

Crashed to Desktop twice at random whilst cutting the same tree with the same tool in the same realm. Lost progress both times, which really sucked as I'm sure you can imagine
30 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 2 Open

My Essences Disappeared

After collecting essences for days, I went to check to see how many I had and discovered all three types are now ZERO. Disappeared. *EDIT I just noticed when I use the tab to open inventory that is where it shows zero. My character sheet shows the...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Challenge Bug

After catching 3/5 Redeye Bass, and 8/10 Fenn Bass - I was awared the completion of all Fishing challenges even though I have never caught any of the other fish or enough of each bass
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 3 Open

Tree decoration regrown by Carnute has same height as tree

If you try to glide or jump over one of the stump sized decorations and you will be blocked by the invisible ghost of the dead tree.
18 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Add magical / lvl 230 materials to the Guidebook

Currently, the high level 'magical' ingredients don't exist in the guidebook.Britomart's locks, Abalonite, Luminous Spore, Geist Mushroom, etc. These should exist in the glossary so that we have some beginning idea about where to find them.
18 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Allround feedback

Hey all , I have been thinking on some points that could be a little better / streamlined in the game: An overview of factions in the guidebook that gets filled when you visited a specific biome regardless of difficulty so we can actually see all ...
20 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Offline mode - base built away from initial respite disappears

I moved toward the middle of the Swamp Abeyance map away from my original "My Respite" map marker and built a modest 3X3 house with a new estate cairn and set it as my respite. I logged out and when i came back my house was gone as well as my orig...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Allow remote access to storage

I would like to be able to name my storage chests and then access from some distance (perhaps the craft from storage distance) with a dropdown menu so that I don't have to run downstairs or upstairs to physically access a chest.
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Lost all essences

Was trying to farm more level 2 essences in a swamp/herbarium. I was walking forward and then experienced a teleport/glitch, I tried to farm more essences, was getting level 4's not the 2's I expected, so I checked my character sheet and had 0 of ...
22 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Open

Fae Portal Essence Bundle Spawning In Walls

We entered an Ascended Hunt Desert Realm fae portal to do the mini dungeon. We did the first Infestation section and the door opened, but we couldn't find the essence bundle. Then I noticed that the sound was loudest at the wall near the door, may...
23 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open