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We need pillars

We need pillars that also act as foundations. This would allow up to build actual bridges or other structures over water without ruining the look of the native water flow. The bridge in the picture shows what Iams talking about.
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Let building be removable

Please please please PLEASE, make it so we can tear down any building or structure that isn't essential to gameplay. I'm so tired of finding places I'd like to build but there is a coffin, shed or statue in the middle of it. At least let us move i...
6 months ago in Feedback 4 Open

Different rooms, Decorations and wall display cases.

Have actual room related things. toilets, sinks, floor tiles and wallpapers, even wall paints and wall tiles. in the styles of the houses.please let us have glass in our windows. no glass in the windows is personally of driving me b...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

More decorative items + more inuitive roof

It'd be so fun to see a vast range of building items and decorations. Especially more plant decorations (including hanging + wall plants) that don't exactly serve a function, specifically because I've accidentally harvested my flowers MULTIPLE tim...
5 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Greenhouse + Quest easy quest to unlock special items.

To Build a Greenhouse with actual glass, with hidden watering system, you can turn on or off (or water by hand if you feel like it) and humble lights to make the Greenhouse come even more together.made off glass and steel like a real greenhouse. i...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Foundation clear ground

Can it be made so when you place a foundation, it gets rid of all the underbrush you can't remove normally in places like Abeyance? Specifically, when you place a Foundation level with the ground.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

half-length walls

One recurring issue I run into with building is that some things (most often stairs) that create gaps where there is no good way to connect their edges to railings or walls in a natural way. Some half-length and quarter-length walls and railings w...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Snapping versus free placement

I don't like free placement for light fixtures I greatly prefer snapping for precision placement, if you are going to add free placement can you please add and option in the gameplay or interface menu to toggle snapping on and off for those of us ...
21 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

4-way peaked roofs & allow pillars to support roofs

To achieve a dormered effect I atempted to join these 2 intersecting perpendicular peaked roofs, but there is no 4-way piece that will do this smoothly with a 'clean' look from the outside. The closest that can be achieved is to gable end two of t...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Augment limit on workstations needs to be gone

Currently workstations are limited to 4 active augments regardless if more/others are build in it's vicinity, which feels kinda arbitrary especially for workstations like the workbench & sewing station which could utilize a lot more. This limi...
6 months ago in Feedback 9 Open