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Nightingale Feedback

Showing 55

Added Furniture: Music Boxes

Been pondering what small base additions would make living in the based more enjoyable, things like base Defense, base management, and just base living, this one came to mind: Music boxes. Now, I want to seperate this from Gramophones: Gramopho...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Faction Tilesets

You know what would be good? Faction-based building sets (i.e. Explorers, Hermetics, NTTC, etc.). Also, triangle building pieces, but that's a tale for another day.
8 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open


I know that with the expenses of the online elements of this game, you'll soon be planning or implementing some kind of monetization paradigm. I ask... plead, if needed... not to go the battle-pass route. If there is anything I loathe more than lo...
8 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Please make chests and shelves work better together!

Trying to get chests onto shelving is like playing a game of Jenga or pick-up sticks. It is clear the shelves were not designed to hold chests. Trying to place a chest on a shelf is a frustrating experience, and not all chests will even fit on all...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Cast Iron Stove please

Please allow us to build the cast iron stove. It looks much better than the current Calcularian Stove. (unless it already is in game, but havent found it anywhere)
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Tudor Roof Pieces

So, the Tudor roof pieces currently include protrusions beyond the tile the piece actually occupies. This looks good at the ends of buildings, but leads to very awkward overlapping in the myriad other contexts they might appear, for instance the e...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Rework (activity)-from storage

First, crafting and building from storage is huge! Thanks!!! That being said, without having a visibility ring for crafting and build ranges it gets odd. Originally I was going to suggest just giving us a visible ring in the build menu (x), but...
29 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Adding resources & building from storage in v0.3

Amazing feature to be able to build from storage, thank you! Here are some ideas/feedback: Rename the menu option from "add from inventory" to something that evokes the fact its from "inventory or storage" Ideally split the resources window when b...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

The "build from storage" system needs a button to allow manual resource usage instead of auto-filling

When looking at an unfinished structure, you can auto-add from inventory or manually add the items. I think the build from storage is great, but it needs that option. Something like shift + [build button] where it doesn't add any materials to it y...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Add seamless intra realm portals

They would act identically to the ones in the game Boundless and would be great for an immersive way to quickly get around a realm. They could also be used for non euclidian estate designs.
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open