It seems the crafting equipment/upgrade is too convoluted. My suggestion that might be better if you are intent on just having just two augments per equipment; why not just put augments already attached to the equipment as an upgrade path? The aug...
NPC Inventory Disappeared after traveling to respite. He walked over to an already crafted base (nothing was needing to be built), and interacted with the smelter as if he was building something then everything was gone.
Inventory weight limit kills ALL THE FUN in this game!
Number ONE seriously BAD design is always mmore than one inventory limit! PLEASE, choose ONE limit and don't stack. Either weight or inventory slots. And in any case, LET the PLAYER CHOOSE how much of a limit they want!!!This game should not make ...
It would be nice if we could have a window pop up to compare new items to existing items.
For example, if you're crafting a new umbrella, I'd like to see the stats and mats of the old umbrella side by side with the new.
Same for the backpack/i...
Can't reliably place steamer voyager trunks on shelves. About 50% will take a 4th chest on top. About 25% will not take one in the middle, depending perhaps on where the shelf is placed. It way to hard to place our chests, this should not be such ...
I'd love to have easier access to my companion's inventory. The current implementation isn't terrible but I'm accessing it often enough that a one-click/one-button solution would be really nice. Two things come to mind for that. 1) When looking at...
If I am repairing ALL items, PLEASE repair all items of my companion as well. It seems silly to transfer their items to my backpack, then repair all, then transfer them back, then have them equip the items.
Build Pack Item For Frequently Built Items (Lodestar, Pepys Box, etc)
TLDR: Combine required materials into Build Pack object for ease of construction. Inventory management is already so involved in Nightingale (with variations on variations of every item type) keeping the ingredients required to build Lodestars and...