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Break in the air.

When you have a movement speed upgraded umbrella/armor plus charm of the wind etc. you can move really fast in the air. This can be hard to control so a break/slow down in the air would be nice. Maybe using the move backwards key.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

invisible collision point midair at lighthouse

I was climbing the lighthouse in Hollowed Moor and ran out of stamina. Instead of falling to my death as I expected to happen, I landed on an invisible object.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Request for Dodge rolling

Hello there, Respectfully may I request that you add dodge roll to the game please. The combat feels very bad trying to move around creatures and things. It is terrible and made me ask for a refund. But Steam denied me my refund. I played 5 hours....
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

When There's Lag While Using Umbrella, The Stamina Bar Still Depletes, But Doesn't Move Character Location

Exactly as the titles states; if there's lag while you're soaring via an umbrella, when there's lag, the stamina bar will be drained for the time that everything was frozen, but, you won't have moved forward for the drained stamina. I mean, using ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Can't return to respite

When returning to respite (in sylvan's cradle) using tthe map option, I get error: "A travel error has occured". When I use the option to return to respite from the menu screen, I get error: "Error creating realm. Please try again". I have closed/...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Offhand Use Without Hotbar

In a different post, I mentioned adding more combat value to basic offhand tools to further incentivize actually having them use an offhand slot, but another way to help approach the issue of these tools taking a slot on the hotbar while being so ...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open

Unable to get threw cave hole under waterfall

We all love to build above waterfalls. I keep seeing this one particular waterfall that has a hole in it, with obvious space behind the rock formation and this hole that you should be able to at leat crawl threw to get into, but you cannot. It is ...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Borderless Windowed

Using borderless windowed causes, the mouse to move to another screen when you're not in a menu. This causes the game to tab out when you attack or use a tool requiring you to click back into the game. This makes combat and other actions very tedi...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Unable to walk after being downed twice

Got downed twice in quick succession and now the movement (wasd) is no longer working. Dash and jump still work.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Augment system is heavily bugged/redundant.

The Augment system is garbage. SO many do not work and many are redundant or doubled or triples of the exact same augment bonuses. EXAMPLE: Take the Tier 2 Plough and Wheelbarrow, both are for the mortar station, both are specific for that station...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open