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Work benches not indicating augments applied

Place bench and some augments for it. Initially, the hexagonal indicators light up as they should. Next, switch realms and then return. The indicators go back to blank showing no applied augments. However, if you inspect the affected work bench th...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Fix Live

Danu model missing, only her club is visible and I can't interact.

Went to Danu in the Hollowed Moor realm, went to Danu's home with the Quest Available marker. When I'm here I can see Danu's club and quest marker, but cannot interact with the NPC at all. It is like Danu's body model isn't loaded, so there is not...
3 months ago in Bugs 14 Planned

Sword Bug

So I made a sword. Made up just fine only one problem doesn't equip. Throws a files are corrupt error on start up since i made it. Exited game would not stop so had to manually stop it.Ran verify rebooted and Go back and test please!
4 months ago in Bugs 21 Fix Live

Trees regrown under certain structures can become Invincible

Description: It has been observed that stumpless trees can be regrown by Carnute in spots where player had built plant boxes and plant pots - Trees regrown can become Invincible State: Actively being worked on Workarounds: - Do not build Planters ...
6 months ago in Bugs 11 Fix Live

Glyph buried in surface

Untamed realm POI with glyph that is almost entirely hidden inside the structure. I was lucky to find it without the scope because of the telltale sound.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Terrain clip in Nightingale City

Was wandering in the area of the Pale Pylon and found a narrow passage between two buildings. Entering the passage dropped me down roughly my height below the terrain with no way back up. Coordinates in the attached bug screenshot.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Tudor Stove

Tudor stove does not have proper description
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Parry while gliding

While gliding and equipped with a knife or sword, using the parry function will drain stamina as though the parry had been used despite no action having been taken.
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Incorrectly Named Location

After shattering the glory seals in Gloriana's Tears, you are asked to "Enter The Glorious Site of Power". However there is no such location on the map. The site is called "Radiant Site of Power". I was looking for a location for a while before i ...
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Companion inventory disappeared

All my precious cargo disappeared from my companion after travelling. Is there any way to get it back? It was all my fabled stuff :(
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open