I'd like to suggest that when we mouseover resources like trees, grasses, rocks, stones, ore, etc. we get the name of the resource pop up without having to break/collect it.
Specialized storage furnishings to reduce clutter and increase decorations
Currently with so many types of materials, players are creating arrays of storage to try to keep it organized. This results in trying to have a lot of storage with a compact footprint, while also mousing over each identical looking container for t...
Hey folks, first I want to say thank you to the whole team for an amazing game!
I was hoping you could increase the threat generated by AI companions so that enemies attention is divided between the player and their AI Companion. You could also c...
It would be helpful to have labels show up when you hold the Q dial open. It is hard to know what the dial is pointing on just by the icon. Seeing the name as well would be helpful so I know what I'm consuming.
A very common question encountered on the Nightingale Discord is how to farm/acquire large amounts of T1 essence to keep equipment functioning. This always involves informing the player that extracting higher tiers of essence is the most efficient...
I'm only a bit into the new update but I'm quite happy with the streamlining of the augmentations! I wouldn't simplify more than this, but so far it feels about right. That being said, I do wish the augments were organized somehow in the build men...
Not automatically climbing after using climbing tool
After using the climbing tool to go to rock structures, I end up automatically falling instead of automatically climbing or attaching to the rock structure.
Halloween Event that isn't just boring predictable monster mash
Instead of a boring kill 1000 units of whatever which players will still find tedious to do by opening an easy realm and playing Maleficiate or Blood Moon for eternal night, how about a version that is more civilized and closer to what humans do d...
Add the material colors/texture to it's item description. For example: the Jabberwock crafting materials appear red on clothing, and Azazel materials appear brown - display both those colors/patterns individually in their item description for craf...